‘Eating Healthy Is Expensive’ Myth: Busted! Part 2
Contributed by
Liza Rowan
May 13, 2015

Welcome to Part 2 of our series entitled: ‘Eating Healthy is Expensive’ Myth: Busted
In Part I, we learned some great ways to make changes to our daily food preparation and cooking habits.
These include:
- Cook for a family
- Bake by the dozens
- Go meatless beyond Mondays
- Freeze bananas, mangoes and other fruits
- Make your own..
- Enjoy a ‘romantic night in’!
Here, we offer some more ambitious ways to get healthier as we continue to save even more money for a rainy day. Again, tackle these as you see fit – no point in biting off more than you can chew!
1. Set up a “cooking swap”.
Make a deal with healthy-minded friends to cook extra, or cook in bulk to share and distribute among the group. This works great for marinades, dips, salad dressings, and healthy baked treats.
2. Take turns to bring in lunch.
Snacks, smoothies, and dishes you can share are perfect for bringing to the office (noting allergies and preferences)! This saves a lot of cost and time, and enables us to taste and enjoy new foods and flavours. It provides a great opportunity to learn about ingredients and dishes never encountered, and can then be added to our repertoire of recipes.
3. Make up your own soup recipes
Chop excess and very ripe veggies to throw in a pot with lentils/beans/spices/herbs to make a great clean veggie soup. Puree and freeze in small containers to grab in the future as a quick healthy meal, or as a base for a curry, casserole, or other savory dish.
4. Leave the fads, magic pills, and superfoods on the shelf
We have overly complicated nutrition, where in fact eating healthy needs not be so mind-boggling – focus on wholesome, nutritients-dense foods that are within budget.
5. Know your organics
Not all produce retains pesticides. To save money, buy these in their conventional form. Other food items are certainly worth investing a little extra for, so as to reduce exposure to unwanted toxins.
6. Don’t be a slave
Don’t be a slave to supplements, protein powders, and other potions. Now that we are eating healthier, we can rely on good wholesome natural foods for energy and nutrients. More money saved!
7. Buy in bulk
Many things are cheaper when purchased in bulk, so investigate chipping in with friends, and then distribute purchased items. When fruits and herbs are in season, buy in bulk to freeze. Enjoy these at a future time when they are out of season, or beyond your budget.
8. Create your own garden
Grow organic fresh herbs – rosemary, sweet basil, and mint are great ones to start with. Each herb offers its own nutritional properties e.g. rosemary stimulates the immune system and mint aids digestion.
Be assured, getting healthy does not need to be expensive and cumbersome. For many clients, it has proven to be an amazing and enjoyable journey we embrace for the good of their health, happiness, and our amazing planet.
Again, please do share your successes!
Visit the Health & Vitality page to find out more about Liza’s work.
Images: www.stocksnap.io
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