Healthy Body, Healthy Mind – A Special Introductory Offer!


It’s that time of year… As professionals and parents, the ability to manage both our careers and family successfully has been a rocky balance! None of us is perfect, but some of us do find ourselves slipping and feeling exhausted by the time the kid’s summer holidays come around, only to return back to work feeling even more drained!


Recently, I was lucky enough to attend and facilitate a workshop focused on Women Who Lead. We were all required to journal the ever critical question of “How can I make the most powerful difference in the world around me, with my limited time and energy?”. My realization was that the goal post I set constantly moves, and I am left feeling exhausted, and like I have not achieved a single thing. The reality of the situation is that I have actually achieved so much, but was so busy I did not notice! The epiphany was that I need a mind-shift — a channeling of my energy into the items in my life which are the most ultimate to me – health and family.


One of our partners, evoke coaching, along with PureVitality Nutrition Concepts decided now was the time to offer you the chance to better your health and bring some clarity back into your life!


We are already half way into the year!


With the limited time that you have this year, why not channel some of it into YOU? Work with two professionals within the nutrition and personal coaching field and make this summer your time to look after your body and mind. Get into healthier eating habits, set inspiring goals for yourself and set yourself up for a successful, healthy and re-energized rest of 2015. Our 10-hour introductory package is designed to help you reach your health goals, faster! 


Contact us today!

