It's almost become a running joke now in Singapore that some of the best business networking events are women only.
Callum Laing

Figuring out what sort of work you're best suited to is really only half the battle when it comes to cultivating a rich and successful professional life. The other half lies in finding exactly the right environment in which to work, learn, and grow as an employee and as a person.
Shirley Taylor

Regardless if you’re a people person or at the introverted end of the extraversion-introversion continuum, having the right connections can open up the doors of opportunities that may not be available otherwise.
Steve Feiner

Whenever there’s rain, there will always be two types of people.
Peiru Teo

Mike was recommended to visit Else for physiotherapy and Bowen therapy for a slipped disc and a dislocated shoulder, both of which had occurred several weeks earlier, but were still causing him discomfort and pain.
Else Strom Vistisen

Your baby’s fussing. She’s crying, and squirming, and nothing seems to soothe her. What’s going on? One possibility is colic. Another is indigestion.
Ashley Low

In Part 1 of this article, we learned about the skincare regimes of the screen sirens of yesteryear - from using petroleum jelly to prevent eye puffiness, to splashing ice-cold water on the face to keep the skin nice and taut! In the second part of this article, we discover these vintage beauties' make-up secrets!
Beth Candice Wu
Human beings are, by nature, social creatures; we crave connections and meaningful bonds with others. A healthy relationship is an essential part of an individual’s well-being.
Pauliina Salmenhaara

We continue the discussion on how you can be more successful at work. A game-changer and the topic for today is Productivity.
Yana Fry

Need a break from oatmeal? Black Thai rice is a welcome, satisfying change, and also makes a great dessert.
Liza Rowan