Many of us overindulge in food, drink and desserts from time to time, especially during special holiday seasons. And, in Singapore, there is certainly no lack of celebrations! Those who suffer from food addiction, however, can find temptation everywhere, at any time, and find it difficult to control.   

I thought it would be mighty relevant to write about how you can find yourself a business mentor to help you navigate your way through life and business. From my experience, starting a new business can be tough and no matter what you do, you will have daily problems that need to be solved. These can become real issues if you mishandle them.  

Is your workplace filled with stress? Do you end the day feeling exhausted and upset, dreading going back the next day? Work stress is at an all-time high and, alarmingly, it is only getting higher.

I N N O S P A R K – the business engagement seminar is back for its 7th edition, with a line-up of impactful and highly experienced guest speakers to show how you can ‘Build purpose and profits around your passion’. Listen to our speakers - business leaders, an executive coach and a social entrepreneur - for advice on how to deliver greater impact for business and life growth.