Do you think using big words and long sentences will impress your readers? Do you think using a long phrase is better than one word? Do you think it’s fine to use abbreviations, jargon and management buzzwords? Do you use phrases such as Please be informed at the beginning of some sentences?

In a world where we are so regularly glued to one screen or another, we find ourselves in a battle of technology vs. nature. We have, therefore, found a growing need and eagerness for our office design to be more attuned with nature.  

Some cases of cancer have specific causes that are beyond an individual’s control, such as heredity and environment. However, healthcare professionals who specialize in cancer diagnosis and treatment attribute causes to factors that an individual has control over, such as lifestyle choices. These choices include smoking, stress, overexposure to the sun, exercise and proper diet and nutrition.

Frida Kahlo was not well known to the public, not until the latter part of the 1970s, decades after her death. After people discovered her rich artwork, which tackled diverse physical and emotional pain, sexuality, death, strength and perseverance, Frida Kahlo became an icon that became the center of numerous studies and analysis.

Medical insurance for expats protects you from financial risk. Depending on the policy you select, it will cover the cost of hospitalization, including room and board, surgery, diagnostics/tests, and consultations plus maternity, prenatal, delivery, post-natal and newborn coverage.