Everyone knows what their employees want, right? Career progression, excellent salaries and benefits, mutual trust, and employee empowerment are some of the areas that may be at the top of an employee’s list. For each of the attributes mentioned, all of us can reel off a number of businesses that have won awards based on one or more of the above categories.

Write Your Way To The Top With Best Practice Email Etiquette Email viruses make front-page newspaper headlines. They cost decent computer users a lot of money, they waste our time and energy, and they cause unimaginable distress to people all over the world. Could anything be worse? What about the damage that people are causing to themselves every day by taking email for granted? 

I'm writing this from my hotel room in Hong Kong, blown away by how different my life looks today. I am looking at the possibility of sharing my work with an entire generation of young leaders, all of whom are ready and excited to change the world. I'm travelling to Tanzania soon to spread my message of female empowerment to the women there.

A friend and his wife started a bakery business. Baking was their passion. They had never started a business before, or worked in a retail bakery, but their family and friends loved their cupcakes. Before they knew it, they were getting many orders and had no other choice but to open a retail bakery.