Do you often find yourself getting distracted while you are working? Are there items on your To-Do List that seem to stay there for a long time? Do you consistently miss deadlines and end up losing opportunities or paying to solve problems?
We were answering some questions on the wedding deals website and there were a few that we wanted to share with you. This came from a really sweet groom Andy who wanted to surprise his bride with a special item with a one month preparation time. Lucky her!
Hope For One Voice, a song written Elim Chew, sung by Miguel Antonio and featuring Jessica Reynoso was released November of last year to fundraise for the children of Tacloban at the SOS Home who are host to a kinship program for children greatly affected by Yolanda. The goal is to “see the children thrive despite their tough environment. Stay strong, bold, and keep having hope.”
A new year is upon us, and like every year, the prospect of new resolutions appears. From healthy lifestyle ambitions to professional aspirations, family projects, personal dreams, that sexy belly dancing class we must start at all cost... a potentially endless range of ideas and aspirations. The choices are vast, the potential only limited by our imagination.
Have you ever shared an idea with a colleague only to have it shot down? If that happens over and over again, I can guarantee you, you will stop sharing your ideas. Yet, ideas are the fuel of innovation. Without ideas, particularly novel ones, innovation will not even get off the ground.
I am a firm believer in helping people find freedom in their lives so they can make the choices they truly want. But there comes a time when having too many available opportunities and too many choices is NOT a good thing. This week, that's our primary area of focus.
For the first time in my life, I have put myself through a diet. But not any diet… a diet of no new clothes and accessories. Ok, I am not the only one putting myself through this challenge.
Political activist and environmentalist Wangari Maathai was an inspiring woman with an incredible dedication to all the worthy things: learning, family, her country and our planet.
According to The Knot, this tradition comes from an old English rhyme that tells us about four objects that would bring good luck to the bride on her wedding day. Something old represents continuity; something new offers optimism for the future; something borrowed symbolises borrowed happiness; and something blue stands for purity, love and fidelity.