In a span of a few days, coincidentally, I have been asked this question three times (1) by a Facebook Fan; (2) by a Chinese restaurant owner we are partnering with; and (3) by a Finance and HR Head of a local IT company whom would like to engage us for our health talk.Ying Yih Low
As women, we all have one but mostly we never mention it. It's kept in the dark and not let out to take any space or attention. Well today, I am here to break the rules and talk about our vagina. Yes I said it, vagina.
Welcome to a new world of working out; goodbye to the same gym and classes each day. With GuavaPass you can reinvent your gym routine and try something new. Pole dancing anyone?
Headlines: ‘Singapore Affected By Haze’ – and I can feel it, in my throat. Pollution index ‘hazardous.’ But what’s haze about, really? They say Eskimos have about 50 words for snow; we Singapore city dwellers, as well as people in Malaysia and Indonesia, have… smog.
Is your office really messy? Are you able to find everything you need in a short time? Do you know exactly where everything is? Do you have a good filing system?