Inspired by Lady Gaga's One World Together at home, the next Connected Women meetup will be held online with a fun and interactive line up of talks and discussion panels!Connected Women
A little break, a shift in mindset and some inspired self coaching is what this lady needed to start bouncing back as the Chief Marketer of their small business.Jennifer Adams
For its work and impact on the lives of women, Connected Women was chosen by the prestigious Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) to be part of its deal sharing platform for its venture fundraising. Nicai de Guzman
This April, Connected Women celebrates its third year anniversary since founding This social impact tech startup has grown from a team of 4 to a team of 23 members, all working together in a remote work environment. Some of the team members shared some of their stories on how working at Connected Women has made an impact on their lives as women.Liezl F. Dunuan
Imagine an event that taught women how to leverage technology to build or better their own business. Well, ladies of Connected Women, here we come!Connected Women
Philippine Business Coalition for Women Empowerment presents - #WEEconomy: Perspectives on Leading and Learning Through the COVID-19 Crisis on 27 April 2020, Monday, 10:00 - 11:30 am (+8 GMT), via Zoom Meetings.Connected Women
Marie is the Founder & Director of Them You & Me, a digital marketing agency speaking friendly digital. She strives to demystify digital marketing and guide businesses through digital transformation.
I was livid when the Luzon-wide lockdown in the Philippines was announced. I thought – what about work, my yoga classes, trips to the mall, and my freedom of movement? They were selfish thoughts, I know but I think that was borne out of my lack of information on what was happening at that time, and how dire the situation was going to be.Liezl F. Dunuan
Coronavirus and everything that came along with it was completely unexpected. From working from home to complete or partial lockdowns. Focusing on health and mental fitness is now the most important thing that everyone is talking about. Sneha Jaggar