Social media has continually changed the way we communicate and interact. It has offered tremendous unimaginable possibilities to keep us digitally connected to one another wherever we are.
Christine Miles Laberinto
Connected Women kicked off 2019 with 26 simultaneous meetups in cities across the Philippines and Pakistan, with almost a thousand ladies registering. We're excited to announce #ConnectedWomen #Meetup is happening again in 31 cities this February 27!
Connected Women
Being a fresh grad, one might want to go into freelance for different reasons. Maybe you want to have some spending power during your ‘funemployment’. Maybe you’re not sure if a desk job really is for you. Or maybe you’re dealing with post-uni existential crisis and you want to explore other fields. Whatever your reason, here are some tips to getting started as a fresh grad.
Selina Gualberto
Creating a routine that’s right for you may be a bit more of a challenge when working from home - the temptations can be found left and right. The refrigerator, the bed, the TV, and the pantry are all within reach that sometimes it can be impossible to say no.
Sarah Buendia
Connected Women was chosen as one of the 80 global finalists in the recently-concluded RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) Future Work Awards 2019 in recognition of global organizations currently “helping people create better ways to work in a flexible, frequently changing digital economy.”
Nica Valdeavilla
Email is a great tool for any type of work. That while many other tools of communication have popped up in recent years, email has still been the go-to mode of communication for many professional settings. But let’s admit it, many of us can feel overwhelmed by how much time and attention it demands. One email gets done, and 3 others just show right up.
Sarah Buendia
Having cold feet in taking the plunge from a full-time office job to freelancing? You never know until you try, and freelancing might be for you. Some women who've done it successfully explain why they did it and how they did it.
Melissa Bagamasbad
Solid partnerships form the basis of any successful enterprise. If you are looking to gain success in your endeavors, chances are that you are going to need a partner to help you do it, as there are very few things that can be accomplished on your own.
Yana Fry
She has long loved sewing, and a few years ago Amaia decided it was time to fully dedicate herself to what she was passionate about, founding You Made My Day Patterns. Let's see what a day is like for a woman sewing and pattern designer.
Amaia Arana
Working with people from other countries is now possible thanks to the internet. It is redefining the way we work and how we do business.
Nicai de Guzman