Having frozen shoulder can cause a lot of discomfort. But surprisingly, the reasons for this ailment are so simple, you'll kick yourself! Easy to avoid, too! Time to get our shoulders (and quality of life) back!
Life has a way of throwing us off our paths, and leading us to new ones. Peiru Teo embraced the challenge, and emerged from it with a thriving business – providing excellent service by marrying a traditional industry with the advantages of modern technology.
Overseas Filipino Workers, there are 2.4 million, more than half of whom are women, take drastic steps for their family; to provide for them, they often leave their families, their comfort zone, their friends, and their home.Gina Romero
I’m always asked about what advice I would tell my younger self or other aspiring entrepreneurs. Here are some helpful tips and words of wisdom to all who have their eyes on building their own business.
I smirk when Baby Boomers and Gen Xers (my generation) complain about Millennials. Disloyal, unable to focus, low stress tolerance, wants instant gratification, and even unleadable are just a few of the criticisms I hear when I speak about Millennials in the workforce.
I remember when I was feeling stuck in my life many, many years ago. All I wanted to do was stay at home and watch videos. Or mope around and complain to my friends about my situation. Or just cry.