6 Signs That You Are A Natural Born Artist
Contributed by
Alice Yu Yuebo
November 14, 2018

Do you think you’re an artist? You could be! Alice Yu Yuebo, founder of Singapore’s first community for mothers who love arts, Mama on Palette, shares six signs that you might have a hidden artistic talent.
Since I have started this idea of gathering mamas who are art lovers, I have heard these so many times, “It’s just a personal hobby and I totally don’t deserve the title of an artist.” Or something like, “Yes I love sketching but I don’t think I am qualified.”
Humbleness is cute. But really, what defines an “artist”?
Take a look at a list of artists whose work was rejected. It’s very easy to recognize some familiar names. We are just fortunate to have them not giving up, or thinking that they are not an “artist” enough to continue with their career.
And we have Anna Mary Robertson Moses or simply, Grandma Moses, who has been a housekeeper for 15 years and started painting in earnest at the age of 78. Having had to set her childhood dream aside due to work, she took the courage to pick up her brush again after so many years. Now, her paintings are displayed in many museums. One of her works, The Sugaring Off was sold for USD1.2 million in 2006.
I am not here to speak about how to become famous. If my little tiny words can be noticed by someone, then I wish they can inspire the discovery of his/her hidden talents. Find out if you have a hidden artist in you from the following six signs.
Sign # 1: You Love Beautiful Things
There’s no specific scale to access beauty. As long as you have the eyes to identify them, you are ready for a colorful life!
Sign #2: You Have a Hobby
You may ask, “How is a hobby like gymnastics or cycling related to art creation?” From my point of view, owning a hobby is owning a passion for life. We don’t usually call playing on smartphones or lying in bed a hobby (no bias about that), right? It doesn’t matter if you are riding on wheels, or you are flying a helicopter. You enjoy creating new moments of your life. That’s the starting point of being an artist.
Sign #3: You Like To Make Good Use Of Old Materials
To be honest, I myself am not good at being innovative about recycling. Nevertheless, I do know several friends who can turn old light bulbs into miniatures, or worn clothes into tote bags. I am always fascinated by how creative they are. If this happens to be you, congratulations, you are already a lifestyle artist.
Sign #4: You Appreciate Art
Nothing is more important than the basic artistic sense. Some educational programs are dedicated to training art appreciation starting at very young ages. Walk into some free art exhibitions, talk to a tour guide, or read some designing tips. All these small things will strengthen your ability to appreciate art day by day.
Sign #5: You Like To Daydream
Did you know that many great artworks were inspired by daydreams? You may disclose your hidden power when you hallucinate. Let your mind fly, release your imagination, and that’s where creativity plays.
Sign #6: (Specifically For Mamas) You Can Laugh At The Scene Your Little One Made
As a work-from-home mom, I have a second job to clean up my baby’s playground, usually splattered with food residue, unidentified liquid, toys and more. My artistic personality does great help to turn furiousness into happiness. It’s not a mess but a masterpiece, I keep telling myself. As a matter of fact, there is something interesting about how the little one creates his scene.
Have you found your hidden artistic talent? If yes, please do not hesitate to join our Art Lover Mamas Community. It’s a free and creative space for mamas who are enthusiastic about arts, aesthetic stuff, and education.
The original version of this article was published on the Mama On Palette website.
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