Success Story: How One Woman Is Leading The Nanotechnology-Based Surface Protection Business In Pakistan
Contributed by
Zia Hasan
January 12, 2019

Zia Hasan is the director NShield Solutions and one of the main hosts of Connected Women Islamabad meetup. In this business success article, Zia shares with us her mission to break barriers through her nanotechnology-based surface coating business.
I started my surface protection business in 2016 in Dubai. I remember the day and the excitement it brought when I, along with my partner, registered our company, NShield Solutions. We saw the dream together and were thrilled to make it come true and we did.
NShield Solutions initially brought a lot of challenges like any other startup. From the careful business model planning to the successful execution, it was a roller coaster ride. NShield is a service provider company that is based on nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. We introduced nanocoatings for automobiles and various industries that were eco-friendly with long-lasting protection. We then decided to bring this revolutionary technology to our homeland, Pakistan, and registered our local company there in the same year and further expanded it to four cities within two years.
Now, we have a nationwide presence and we are still growing. My husband and I have a professional background in quality assurance, hence our deep commitment to quality, customer service, and a vision to bring nanotechnology revolution in the automotive sector made this company the biggest nano ceramic glass coating service provider company in Pakistan. I am the first and only woman in Pakistan who is successfully leading the nanotechnology-based surface protection business.
“The glass ceiling that once limited a woman’s career path has paved a new road towards business ownership, where women can utilize their sharp business acumen while building strong family ties.” – Erica Nicole
The most exciting thing about my business is that it has given me a vision and a mission. A vision to revolutionize the coating technology in Pakistan and a mission to bring more women into this non-traditional business domain—breaking barriers and proving that women can also successfully run non-traditional businesses. We always assume that women’s work is to be found in areas such as healthcare, education, and retail only. I have played my part in bringing this change by setting an example by myself. I followed what Gloria Steinem said, “Like art, revolutions come from combining what exists into what has never existed before.” Women of the 21st century do not want to settle for anything but the best. They understand that success is a journey involving personal growth, savvy optimism, and the tenacity to be the best.
A Message To Fellow Female Entrepreneurs
Looking towards the future, I advise the women seeking non-traditional career paths to set their sights high. Challenges may cross or trip you along the way, but keep the courage to proceed and the motivation to convert problems into opportunities.
Do the work. Show the value that you bring. Let’s not forget that equality for women does not fall entirely on women’s shoulders. It takes everyone. Men need to believe in women. They can make a huge difference. Fathers need to believe in their daughters. Brothers need to believe in their sisters. Nations need to believe and invest in their women. Everyone’s an influencer.
Doing More For Women Through Connected Women
Women are generally strong collaborators and communicators but we tend to have fewer business-related connections than men. We are hesitant to seek advice from fellow women fearing that we would be perceived as weak.
The greater social connections, at home and at work, sometimes overlap so we struggle in keeping a balance and finding time for ourselves. This highlights the importance of networking events exclusively for women to unwind, de-stress, share their own challenges, learn from each other, and form a support network.
Keeping this in mind, I, together with the other hosts of the Connected Women Islamabad meet-up, Samar Hasan, the co-founder of Epiphany, and Sumera Abbasi, the manager of WECREATE Center, carefully created a program for the professional ladies to enjoy, learn, open up about their weaknesses, and share their strengths.
The main theme of the first meetup at Islamabad, Pakistan, was for women to find their inner selves and strengths, and to shed the fears of being judged. The event was well attended by over 60 professional women and was a massive hit. We had an interactive session on de-stressing and laughter therapy, and business simulation games to improve teamwork, holistic thinking, and decision-making skills.
The entrepreneurs in the group were given the chance to showcase their products and services by sponsoring for the games and food. They received certificates of acknowledgment for their efforts. Everyone appreciated the tedious efforts of the hosts for organizing such an inspiring, soul-stirring, and fun session and requested more meetups.
Official global meetups happen every six weeks starting on January 16, 2019, signup here to attend a meetup near you!
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