5 Amazing Photos Of The Week Part 2
Contributed by
Martha Chaudhry
May 15, 2015
What a wondrous thing and a marvelous privilege it is to create for people glimpses of themselves.
I have loved being a photographer for the past nearly two decades: a second career that I never anticipated that began with darkroom alchemy and continued with digital magic. My journey with images is a mirror not only of me and my experiences, but of the hundreds and thousands whom I’ve had the joy of working with and photographing.
Projection, deflection, adornment, posturing– these human responses take me into my clients, beyond smiling for the camera, and help me to ‘unpack’ the real people I work with. It is the invitation and the earned capacity to see through the lens into the person that makes this job such a pleasure.
The images in this week’s selection grab me for many reasons, not least for their messages of projection, deflection, adornment, and posturing. The image of the woman with her ‘reborn’ babies moves me in particular. As a mother, an adoptive mother, and a photographer of families– the existence of her chosen sub-culture gives me long pause for thought.
Enjoy the photos and the weekend!
Published on Beautifuldecay. Photos by Davis Ayer
Published on Nytimes Shot by Aline Smithson
Published on The Guardian Shot by Niranjan Shrestha/AP
Published on Nytimes photos by Rebecca Martinez
Published by CNN photo by Vlad Sokhin
Visit Martha Chaudhry Photography page to find out more about Martha's work.
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