5 Amazing Photos That Soar With Joy
Contributed by
Martha Chaudhry
August 21, 2015
For fellow consumers of news imagery, the past several days have delivered a particularly grueling daily diet of disaster photographs. Toxic explosions, inner-city bombings, unfathomable photos of institutionalized slavery, heart-wrenching images of the millions of desperate, displaced fugitives of war battered me vicariously each day of the past week. To be sure, the brave photojournalists who put themselves on the front lines of atrocity and danger to focus the world’s attention all deserve our incredible gratitude and respect.
As an antithesis to this past week’s gruesome photographs, I’ve curated here a selection of images that jump off the page with joy. Practical considerations had me take a hiatus from this series for a couple of months, and I have decided to re-kindle it here with a conceptual rather than time-dated approach. I hope you enjoy these joyous photographs from image platforms around the world, and that they inspire you to seek and note small evidence of joy in your daily lives during the coming week.

Visit Martha Chaudhry Photography page to find out more about Martha’s work.
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