5 Steps To Staying Motivated When Things Aren’t Moving
Contributed by
Yana Fry
June 7, 2015
When was the last time you experienced stagnation? You have a vision, you have the skills, you are obviously smart, talented, absolutely deserving AND you are taking consistent actions. But, you have not reached your goal yet.
Money is not reaching your new business yet, the partner you would like to have in your life has not greeted you yet, the promotion at work you were hoping to get this year has not happened, the baby you so desperately want hasn’t been conceived yet, the relationship you are trying to work out is not quite there yet, the life plan you have for yourself is not moving forward as fast as you want it.
Is any of that familiar to you? If you have ever tried to reach any goal in your life, I know the answer is YES. It is hardly smooth and effortless. Even if you have the best intention, a clear plan, dignity and you even do some kind of energy work, such as EFT, mantras, affirmations, meditation, healing or praying – you are not immune from running into stagnation.
Let me share with you the secret: “your ability to overcome the stagnation determines your rate of success.” That’s right. Everybody can perform when things are comfortable and easy. The key to succeeding in life is your ability to perform when you are under pressure. Stagnation makes you put pressure on yourself to either do more and to be better OR to give up. The choice is yours.
Before you go there, here are a few tips on how to deal with stagnation in ways that make you feel empowered:
1. Avoid blame and self-pity
The moment you start blaming somebody else for “being stuck here”, you voluntarily give your power away. Now, it is up to that person or circumstance to decide whether you are going to succeed or not. When you give your power away, you are no longer in charge of your life and your success. Claim it back! You are the one who is responsible for everything. Yes, you are stuck, but it is because you have chosen to be here, whether you realise it or not.
2. Declare your full responsibility
You are fully responsible for everything that is going on in your life. It might not be a pleasant truth for you, but the truth rarely is. It does set you free though. The moment you tell yourself: “Okay. I am in a mess and it all happened because of me. I will not blame anybody for that, including myself, but from now on I will take full responsibility for my life, my success and my happiness.”, you are taking the first step out of your state of stagnation, because you declare that you are aware of how things are, the role you played so far and your decision to take full accountability.
3. Take some time off
When things are not moving, you have at least two options: you can keep bumping your head against the wall with the hope that it will come down eventually (it won’t) OR you can step aside and look around – maybe there is a path through that wall 10 meters from where you are standing?
Take some time off and decompress your mind, body and spirit. Do things you love. Spend some time with yourself. I had many of my biggest “aha” moments, when I was having a massage, or doing yoga, or simply taking a long walk. A night out with friends is also a very good option – your mind will be blank in the morning and you could get the best idea of all. Sometimes when I feel stuck for a long period of time, I go away for a week. New people and new environments bring new energy and things start moving again. Find your own way to decompress.
4. Talk to a mentor
Talk to a person you trust. You can talk to your partner, a friend, a relative or even engage a professional mentor. Whoever it is, make sure you select somebody who can look at your situation from a natural point of you. This means he/she is able to leave their own ego, their own judgment and their own beliefs at the door. Only then they are able to assist you and to help you to see what is good FOR YOU. Otherwise, somebody else’s opinion about how you SHOULD BE DOING things might sidetrack you. It is your life, it is your success and it is even your stagnation. You are the only one who can make choices here.
5. Tap into your potential
When you feel lost, stuck and on the verge of losing the motivation to go after your dreams, remember that you are not alone. You are always, protected, supported and loved – we just sometimes forget that and try to do everything ourselves. You don’t have to. You can always connect with your potential and ask for guidance. Do it in a way that is comfortable for you. Are you a believer? Go to church, the mosque or the temple. Do you work with spirits? Ask your guides to visit you. Do you believe in the power of five elements? Connect with water, fire, air, earth and spirit. You don’t believe in anything that is not proven by science? Simply find a quiet place, sit down and ask yourself “What do I need to do to get out of this stagnation period?” Listen carefully and you will find the answer.
Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana’s work.
This post was first published on www.yanafry.com and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Images: www.stocksnap.io
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