5 Ways To Be A More Conscious Shopper
Contributed by
Ratri Maria
May 29, 2016
It’s a rising trend with good reason, and it will likely move from trend to everyday norm for many. Shopping consciously or ethically is here to stay because consumers are becoming sick at the thought of their clothes and everyday products being made by an underpaid worker whose workplace and place of living are way below par.
But moving into conscious shopping should be taken step-by-step, so to help, here are some simple suggestions to help you be kinder, more conscious and buy smart:
1. Start With One Product/Category
Switching to ethical and sustainable shopping can’t be done at once. You have to go step by step and take things slowly. You should follow one simple rule – shop for a product that you need. Then shop for another product and then for another. This way, you will gradually become used to ethically shopping for things you need. Don’t rush it.
2. Consider The Number Of Uses
Ask yourself some easy questions such as, ‘’Can I wear this item for both business and other occasions?’’ or ‘’Is this item for a specific season or I can wear it all year round?’’.
The item you buy for yourself must be durable and you should be able to wear it at least 30 times. Make sure it is suitable for different places and weather. This item has to be a serious garment and not too fashionable.
3. Learn More About The Brand
Many companies rely on transparency these days.They are supposed to share their entire supply-chain process, details regarding production, source of items, the rights of their workers and the conditions under which they work. You can always ask them about their brand, the origin of the product and so on. As a customer, you have full rights to the information.
The successful purchase is the one that meets your standards and values. You will notice how good you will feel about your purchase when you know you did something ecological and ethical for our society and planet.
4. Buy High Quality And Opt For Fair Trade Products Only
Start buying high-quality products as a step in switching to ethical shopping. Why is this important? It’s very simple; high-quality products last longer. Get rid of one-year wonders and a habit of constant shopping. For example, high-quality clothes will make you feel better and will look better on you.
How do you know which products are high quality? This can be very tricky, especially for people who spend their lives buying cheap and wearable clothes. But it really is easy; just make sure you opt for a fair trade product.
5. Recycle And Pay Attention To Packaging
Over 500 billion plastic bags are consumed each year. This is an ecological disaster, since they are made of petroleum. So, you do the math. How many barrels of oil are needed for the consumption of bags this high? The answer is 12 million barrels just for US consumers alone.
According to some new research, soil, beaches and water are seriously contaminated with plastic bags. How can you help? Just recycle whatever you can and avoid tons of packaging when shopping.
Be more aware about plastic bag waste, and reduce your own use in order to promote consciousness.
Visit the The Nomadic Trails page to find out more about Ratri’s work.
This post was first published on The Nomadic Trails blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: woman trying on a blouse from Shutterstock
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