6 Deadly Signs Of Being A Last-Minute Bride
Contributed by
Peiru Teo
July 24, 2016
When something urgent crops up, what is your first step?
Put your current tasks aside and attend to the situation right away? Or idle and snack on your chocolate bar, while watching a movie online? And somehow furiously resolve the issue five minutes before the deadline.
If you chose the latter, then you are a Last-Minute Bride!
This means that you have at least six months until your wedding day and you probably haven’t gotten down to anything. When relatives throw you questions about the progress of your wedding preparations, all you can do is shrug your shoulders and continue munching on your chocolate bar. Because you know (and pardon the amateurish lingo) that … chocolate rules. Even more than your groom.
Do you know what the most curious thing is? It doesn’t matter how hectic your life is; it doesn’t matter that you haven’t bathed in long time, as you try to complete your assigned tasks. Somehow you get through it unscathed. Well, perhaps slightly more wonky, but life’s fun with a dash of insanity.
But don’t ever underestimate the stress of preparing for a wedding! There are so many steps to complete in a wedding, and if you had to do it within or even under six months, we can assure you that you will go crazy.
Look at these six deadly signs of being a last-minute bride and see if any of them fits. If all of the symptoms apply…then you should really consider starting early or right this instant!
1. You’re Always In A Hurry
For some reason, you’re always rushing from one destination to another. There’s no such thing as a rest stop. The word ‘break’ barely exists in your dictionary. And that’s only because you sleep at night.
During the hours of being awake, you just keep going because there’s so much on your plate. Plus, you yearn to make full use of every day. Every second of rest is every second wasted, you say!
Do you know what the best part of this is? Your stamina is twice as good as a regular early human being. No, we’re just kidding – but it is likely to be true, since you’re always running about. Life is truly a marathon, in your case. But seriously, that’s not something to be proud of.
2. Being Messy Is Your Identity
Ever had your mother drown your ears with excessive comments on how messy you are? Or how she keeps nagging at you and claiming that you’ll never find a boyfriend if you are this disorganised?
Well, the latter is probably accomplished, but the former will never cease UNTIL you manage to keep a place neat for even just a minute. That is very unlikely … isn’t it? But for some miraculous reason, you’re able to find everything! From that specific top from Forever21 to that specific folder of confidential information, you are able to find things within your piles of mess.
However, it may not be all that good. Don’t you always have those mini-surprises when you ‘bump’ into an item you haven’t seen in a while, such as a long-lost love note from your admirer, or that sweet wrapper from four years ago? This is precisely why it is so dangerous! What if you threw away important information? You know you can never gauge your surprises! Remember, Murphy’s law is above all laws.
3. Your Friends Complain About Your Tardiness
The number one thing that your friends dislike about you is how you’re always late for any appointment. And when you reason with them on why you are late, they will roll their eyes and accept that there’ll never be an occasion when you’ll be early. And sometimes, they get really annoyed but they probably love you too much to lash out at you. But it doesn’t mean it can’t happen!
Let me tell you the truth: When you prepare your wedding at the last minute, it isn’t only you who suffers the consequences; your friends suffer with you, too. You have to understand that not everybody functions the way you do. Your bridesmaids are likely to try their best to ensure that your wedding goes well, and if you keep up with the tardiness, it can be really frustrating for them. Make do without the tardiness and start now.
4. You’re Easily Distracted
Whenever you’re attempting to focus on the task at hand, there’s always something else that distracts you, even if it isn’t remotely interesting. For example, when you are trying your best to complete your work, the ant in the corner suddenly appears a lot more fascinating. Your eyes start to follow it and, before you know it, it is the end of the day and you’re barely halfway through the work!
If you are a last-minute bride, you’re probably distracted by something else as you read this blog post. Right? No?Alright.
5. You Still Have No Idea What A Typical Wedding Is Like
This is the crucial sign of being a last-minute bride. You don’t know what you are supposed to do, and even though if you are or might be panicking, the above five signs will kick in and you’ll procrastinate instead of doing something about your wedding!
You’ll regret it if you start too late. We’ve seen couples panicking before and it isn’t a very pretty sight.
Visit La Belle Couture page to find out more about Peiru’s work.
This post was first published on La Belle Couture blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author. Image from La Belle Couture
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
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