8 Little Actions That Will Transform Your Communication Skills
Contributed by
ShuQi Liu
January 18, 2015
A brand is so much more than just a logo and slogan. It is a feeling someone gets when they communicate with you, which impacts your reputation in the industry.
To foster positive word-of-mouth about your personal brand, let’s go back to basics with these eight little actions that will transform your communication skills instantly.
1. Keep an open mind
Being judgmental and defensive easily results in communications shutdown. When you disagree, repeated criticism and expression of negativity can decrease your personal branding. Start by leaving expectations at the door and keep an open mind when communicating with someone new.
2. Listen
People just don’t listen enough. They are always eager to express their own views to an audience. Instead, beat the majority and offer the people around you attention. Not only will you learn something new, listening will also help connect your ideas better with the audience when it is your turn to speak.
3. Say “please” and “thank you”
Courtesy goes a long way. Experience the power of expressing gratitude by letting people around you know that you are appreciative of them, and politely request for someone to help. Do away with self-entitlement, practice graceful etiquette and you will start to observe that more people will be drawn towards you.
4. Take action
There are ways we can take action to better communicate with each other. Simply initiate a conversation and be proactive about following up. By getting the ball rolling, people will be encouraged to participate in the creative process. This increases co-creation and teamwork, providing more opportunities for partnerships to come your way.
5. Respond, not react
Often times, we communicate by reacting to situations too quickly. Throwing our feelings of fear, anger, excitement, sadness and desperation into the mix, we expect others to fit into the pieces of our own puzzle. Instead, be objective. Take your emotions out of the equation and respond accordingly.
6. Be accurate
If you know exactly what you are looking for, be accurate and communicate specific details. Help others see your vision by being explicit. State the timeline, budget and objectives, down to the exact ribbon colour you have in mind. Even if you are not sure about some details, saying “I don’t know” gives others an opportunity to add value.
7. Empathise
Empathising means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, showing that you care enough to listen with an open mind. More importantly, it means that walls come down and communication increases its effectiveness and efficiency. Soon, you will find that displaying empathy paves the way for fruitful partnership opportunities.
8. Learn to trust
The most important aspect about communication is trust. To humanize a brand and foster relationships, we need to trust that life will always be full of surprises. The only way to deal with the unknown is to trust your own instincts and let the world do the magic.
Image by Wiertz Sébastien - added vertical blocks and article title
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