August Events At Woolf Works: 24th, 30th
Contributed by
Michaela Anchan
August 21, 2016
Here are the events happening at Woolf Works during the month of August. We hope to see you there!
August 4th – Catalyst Information Sessions
Join Michaela for a relaxed session over a cup of tea. We’ll talk about the Catalyst Program, answer any questions you have and do a small exercise to explore where you are in your journey. Our focus in the Catalyst Program is for growth, courage, and community so we’d love you to get a feel for all three of those within our mini-session. We have space for just nine attendees at each session, so please do register first, and let us know if you can’t make it on the day.
About The Catalyst Program At Woolf Works
Catalyst is a 12-week program helping stay-at-home mothers who want to get back into the workforce. We want these women to emerge confident and in control, full of purpose and excitement and ready to get going on their journey!
The program consists of one morning per week over a three-month period. Six women going through the journey together, taking time to reflect, explore and grow.
Mentorship with six experts: therapists, coaches, leaders, and creatives, who all want you to succeed in finding your confidence, passion, and balance.
The topics we will cover:
- Motherhood and identity
- Self-esteem and self-care
- Growth mIndset
- Financial clarity
- Confidence and communication
- Productivity and strategies for sustainability
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday 24 August, 2016 at 9:30am
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Free registration
Contact person: Sandy Catalan
Contact person’s email: [email protected]
AUGUST 30TH – Bhutan Learning Journey 2016: Information Evening
Come to an information session to hear more about a life-changing retreat to the Kingdom of Bhutan!
Journey to Bhutan with a group of women professionals. Learn about the Bhutan Mindfulness Framework, volunteer, hike, eat, sleep, meditate and wake up with yoga sessions every morning. A week to learn and grow.
The guide for this journey is the deeply knowledgeable and experienced Khatiza Van Savage. Khatiza is extremely well connected on the ground in Bhutan and has been doing a corporate version of this trip for years.
The Kingdom of Bhutan is most famous for the Gross Nation Happiness Index, which was conceived by the fourth King and was introduced as the primary measure of the country’s success in 1971.
A Learning Journey
The Bhutan Learning Journey is divided between Inner Learning and Outer Learning. Outer Learning involves touring Bhutan, talking to people and learning about this fascinating country. From atmospheric monasteries to swing bridges to museums and two big hikes, you will get a great insight during a short time.
Outer Learning also involves a volunteering session. Khatiza will match you with relevant projects.
An example – members of our last trip spent an afternoon with a group of Bhutanese women entrepreneurs talking about presentation skills and networking pitches. It was a great chance to learn about their challenges and daily life as Bhutanese entrepreneurs.
The Inner Learning involved a daily yoga and meditation practise. Another aspect of Inner Learning is the Action Learning Circles. The group will have sessions to reflect on personal challenges, using the principles of Action Learning and facilitated by Khatiza. These sessions are invaluable to members personally and also help the group as a whole.
Event Details:
Date: Tuesday 30 August, 2016 at 7:30pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Free registration
Contact person: Michaela Anchan
Contact person’s email: [email protected]
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