Callum Laing

Callum has built, bought and sold half a dozen businesses in a range of industries across two continents. He is a partner in a private equity firm Unity-Group. He is a regular speaker, and is author of, amongst other things, "Progressive Partnerships - The Future of Business" - For a free synopsis go to

We live in a world of information overload. But wisdom is a different matter. Wisdom often seems to be in short supply, because wisdom takes more effort. It takes time to learn from and process our mistakes. It takes willpower and courage to examine the reasons why issues happen, and to build frameworks to help others navigate those same issues in a more effective way.

Recently, I discovered that I had been locked out of LinkedIn. No reason or warning given. Almost 12 years to the month since I opened an account on LinkedIn, 6,000 connections and countless articles, updates messages etc. were suddenly all gone.

It was 2009, my businesses were collapsing around me and, quite frankly, I didn't want to present a cheery face to the world. Facebook, delete. Twitter, delete. The 1000+ followers and all my riveting thoughts consigned to the social media rubbish bin.  

Recently, our management team set about firming up the goals for the year. Everyone chipped in; there was plenty of whiteboard action and we found ourselves with some targets that were very compelling indeed. Job well done!  

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing Yana Fry from YanaTV speak at our monthly networking event. Whilst her story, Zero to Hero - about the rise of her TV channel - was inspiring, it got me thinking about one of the concepts we play with at Key Person of Influence (KPI): What are the implications if you add '& media company' to your business name?