Callum Laing

Callum has built, bought and sold half a dozen businesses in a range of industries across two continents. He is a partner in a private equity firm Unity-Group. He is a regular speaker, and is author of, amongst other things, "Progressive Partnerships - The Future of Business" - For a free synopsis go to

We are all familiar with the one-hit wonders. Those people that seemingly come from nowhere, appear in the collective conscious for a short period of time and then seemingly disappear from whence they came.  

He's the CEO of Key Person of Influence (KPI) Asia, and partner to equity firm Unity Group. He has built and sold half a dozen businesses in a range of industries and now works with hundreds of business owners to help them grow their businesses through KPI and Unity Group. He got started in entrepreneurship early, and now stands as a thought leader in his industry.

Years ago, I wrote an article for a newspaper denouncing the media’s growing obsession with entrepreneurs as the new rock stars. It was during a downturn and I pointed to the army of recently laid-off people who, unable to find jobs, re-branded themselves first as ‘consultants’ and then when that didn’t work, as either ‘lifestyle coaches’ or ‘entrepreneurs.’

Do you spend too much time trying to figure out how to get new customers through the door? If you’re anything like most business owners we work with on a daily basis, and statistically you are, then it is the number one thing that permeates your thoughts and your actions. It is a constant source of frustration and takes time away from delivering increased value to your existing clients.

When you first start pitching your business idea to the world, there is no worse feeling than someone telling you they don’t think it will work. Since that is your deepest fear, when someone articulates it, as someone invariably will, it will rip to your very core.