Nathalie Ricaud

Professional organiser Nathalie Ricaud helps women who feel overwhelmed by all their "stuff" learn to let go of things that are just stressing them out, and feel in control of their home and life again. She helps them establish systems to make sure they can find what they want when they need it, and maintain a clutter-free, organised and peaceful home. In addition to hands-on organising work, Nathalie is the author of a blog and is regularly published in print and online media. She’s also a regular speaker at events and conferences. Visit her website for more details.

Can't fall asleep at night because you keep going through your list of to-dos in your head to make sure you won’t forget anything? Finding your to-do list so intimidating that you are paralysed and procrastinating? Don’t fret, there is a way to create a to-do list that get things done.

There are so many benefits for getting organised!  You reduce clutter and free up space, potentially eliminating the need to rent external storage space or move to a larger home – and with home sizes that have shrunk by 25-30% in Singapore over the last 5 years and space becoming increasingly expensive, this is not negligible.