Steph Chu

Steph Chu is the Founder and Principal Coach of Empower Pte Ltd. She specialises in coaching women executives wanting to accelerate their career growth, without compromising their lifestyles. After 16 years in Accenture, as a highly sought after ‘fire-fighter’, resuscitating failing projects, Steph is now a mentor and coach helping women executives achieve the same.

Steph is also the author of “Effective Leadership for Women: Building High Performance Teams”.

At a recent conference, I was pleased to see that the panel assembled on stage was a 50-50 mix of men and women. A refreshing change. All on stage were senior people in their respective companies and were top decision makers. All was going well, until I heard the following introduction. “Hi, my name is xxx and it’s great to be here today. I am no expert. I am just the Marketing Director of yyy.”