Suyin Wong

Suyin Wong is one half of team Fanya & Lime, Fanya & Lime’s mission is to design brilliant relationship articles for modern life. Curated through published scientific researches and presented in a visually and mentally stimulating manner.

Suyin has more than 13 years of experience working within technology and telecommunications domain worldwide.

Suyin holds a MSc in Digital Media Technology (Computer Engineering) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Suyin has trained with global thought leaders such as Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Blair Singer, Robin Sharma, Alex Mandossian and many more.

Sometimes when we are in an emotional situation, what we'd really like to do most is lash out. Say something mean. Something hurtful. Something really nasty so the person receiving it will suffer as much, if not more, than us. But hang on. Let's breathe and reflect on this point.