Become Aware Of Your Moods And Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Fooled By The Low Ones
Contributed by
Vanessa Jacqueline Dcruz*
February 18, 2016
Our moods rise and fall like the tide. When we are happy our brain releases endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, also known as the feel-good chemicals, into our blood stream. When we are sad or depressed it is said that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
Well, we actually have control over whether we want to be happy or not.
Being depressed at times due to an unfortunate event or due to a failure is natural. However, do we let this mood overcome us?
When we are in a good mood, everything has a clear perspective. We can think more clearly. We are more active. We can use our common sense better. When we are in bad mood, our mind becomes like a wet windscreen during a heavy downpour: everything becomes a blur. We lose our sense of perspective. We do not think rationally. We may act on our emotions, which may cause us, or others harm.
Therefore, we cannot let ourselves walk in the valley of depression, sadness and despair.
Our emotions can also be like a long-distance runner - the runner runs very fast for a certain distance and later slows down. Therefore, in the morning we may be in a good mood, in the afternoon, a bad mood, and in the evening back to being in a good mood.
The way our moods work looks pretty complicated, doesn't it? The truth is, life is almost never as bad as it seems! Hey, I am serious! Rather than staying stuck in a bad mood, convince yourself that you are seeing life realistically. You can learn to question your judgment. Pass off your bad mood as an unavoidable human condition that will pass with time. Being in a low mood is not the time to analyse your life.
Be grateful for your good moods and graceful in your low moods. Try not to take them too seriously. Just try! I know it is very difficult at times, but we must develop inner peace first.
So ladies, be aware of your moods and do not let the low ones overcome you. Stay beautiful, loving, peaceful, happy, calm, and relaxed. Take care.
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