Cellulite: What It Is And How To Get Rid Of It

Cellulite is something that many women suffer from. In fact, it is estimated by Medical News Today that 90% of women will face cellulite at some point in their life. It can be embarrassing and cause your confidence in your body image to take a major hit. Nobody wants to deal with cellulite but it’s a common issue that many of us will have to tackle.

Even though this is a common issue, many women don’t know much about cellulite. You may have cellulite or are just curious and want to know the basics on it. In this article, we’ll help you better understand the ins and outs of cellulite.

What Exactly Is Cellulite?

You may know cellulite as the bumpy, uneven flesh on your body. But what does it look like if you were to peel back the surface of the skin? If you were to do this, you would see that cellulite is a pocket of fat that has jammed itself in between the connective tissue that links your skin to your muscle. It is commonly found on areas of the body that are high in fat percentages such as the legs, arms, stomach, and butt.

The skin on the human body is tethered to the muscles that lie beneath the skin through bands of tissue. Fat is not meant to be there. When the fat gets lodged in between these bands of tissue it takes on an irregular shape, resulting in the cottage cheese effect that many associate with cellulite.

What Causes Cellulite?

This is a tricky skin care problem because there are many cellulite causes. There isn’t one thing that can trigger it in the body. Many people associate cellulite with being overweight, however, this reasoning isn’t foolproof. While it is true that if you have a higher percentage of fat on your body the likelihood of having cellulite is increased, but you do not have to be overweight in order to have cellulite.

Although it is possible for men to develop cellulite, it is a more common cause of grief for women for two reasons. The first reason is that women in general, have a higher percentage of fat on their bodies, thus increasing the chance that they will develop cellulite. The second reason is that men’s bodies are created differently than women’s bodies. Men have stronger bands in the tissue that connects their skin to the muscle, which is where the abnormal fat wedges itself and creates cellulite. The stronger bands that men have in their connective tissue make it more difficult for them to develop cellulite.

Genetics can also play a role in developing cellulite. It has been shown that cellulite can run in families. If adolescents develop cellulite it is usually because it runs in their family. However, although it is shown to run in some families the fact that your relative has cellulite does not mean that you will definitely develop it in your life.

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