Choose Your Battles Wisely In The Year Of The Fire Monkey
Contributed by
Vanessa Jacqueline Dcruz*
March 30, 2016

As we close the first quarter of 2016, let’s make time to reflect on the months gone by and the month’s ahead. How is the year panning out for you so far? Vanessa Jacqueline faithfully wrote inspirational messages to inspire you this year, and now she’s freely sharing her tips and life experience through a small but impactful booklet. Her free download will be one of the easiest choices for you this year!
Choose your battles wisely. Not everything in this world is worth fighting for. It is, however, subjective.
OK, let’s say that you choose to fight every battle. You definitely cannot win every battle. Even Napoleon lost his battle at Waterloo to the British because of rain. What happens when you lose? Would you drown yourself in sorrow and self-pity, only causing yourself to be more stressed and have less inner-peace?
Let’s say that you win every battle. Would you become proud as a peacock? Show the world that you are a mighty winner? Here, again, you start putting stress on yourself because you need to maintain your “winning” image.
Therefore, should you fight every battle? Win every battle? Or forget all the battles in your life and treat them as something that can be resolved peacefully and amicably?
Well, the choice is yours. We will face battles in life. We will face challenges. That’s life. But the way we cope after winning or losing a battle is important.
Download my free booklet and be inspired this Year Of The Monkey.
We must not let these battles change our personality into something society can do without. We must not let them harm us. Hey, life is short! We must try to make full use of it to better ourselves morally, mentally, and psychologically.
It is the year of the fiery monkey. It is said that it can cause disasters in society, and also individually. Should we be a fiery monkey or a wise monkey? The choice is yours.
So ladies, choose your battles wisely. Stay beautiful, loving, peaceful, happy, calm and relaxed. Take care.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
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