A Day in The Life of A Public School Teacher
Contributed by
Roxanne H. Fuentes
July 18, 2018

Roxanne H. Fuentes is a public school teacher in the Philippines and has been educating elementary kids for 10 years. She’s also a wife, mother, and blogger. What’s a typical day for her like?
Titled “A Day In The Life Of A Woman,” this series celebrates the women in our lives. From the everyday to inspirational, the series aims to highlight women from various fields and share a bit of the diversity we experience every day.
As a public school elementary teacher in the Philippines, my quest for knowledge never ends. I am also very active in organizations such as the Junior Chamber International where I’m currently Executive Vice President to one of its chapters. I am also a mother to a toddler and wife of an Overseas Filipino Worker.
While I love teaching kids, I also enjoy reading, writing, layouting, and video editing.
Here’s my typical day:
4:00 AM – Drink tea/coffee. Take a bath. Prepare my daughter for school.
5:30 AM – Drive to work (We follow a double-shift in school. It’s very normal in public schools. We start our classes very early for the morning session).
5:45 AM – Arrival in school. Prepare the things to be used in class for the day.
6:00 AM – Class starts. I will manage to eat my breakfast in between classes. I would also make sure that my daughter is able to eat as well.
8:50 AM – Recess time. While my pupils have recess, I would send my daughter to her own classroom.
9:00 AM – Class resumes.
12:00 NN – Class ends. Fetch daughter from her own class. Lunch.
12:30 PM – Start preparing for the next class day. Do some paperwork such as lesson plan.
2:00 PM– Go home.
2:30 PM – It’s either: Do some more paperwork / Accomplish some errands (e.g. Pay bills)
4:00 PM – Study time with Daughter.
5:00 PM – Chat with my husband who is an OFW.
6:00 PM – Dinner.
7:00 PM – Check emails / Update my website / Respond to social media queries
9:00 PM – Prepare things for the next day.
10:00 PM – Sleep
A Dream Come True
I always wanted to become a teacher. My love for the profession began when I was still in First Grade. I can still remember as early as an Elementary pupil, I would help my teachers check some test papers, volunteer to write some notes on the board, and be active in school activities.
My dream to become a teacher was never replaced and true enough, it was the course I took in College. I can still remember my professors saying that teaching is a 24/7 job because when we invest in kids, we should literally never stop caring. It is also a challenging one particularly because the demands of the job would require us to manage time wisely.
Finding Success Through Teaching Kids
Fast forward to 2018, I am now in my 10th year in teaching and currently in the public school system. It is true indeed that as a teacher and a family woman, living through each day is a matter of survival. However, I am amazed on how I am able to juggle everything in a day. I always look forward to going to school every day, do the work I so much love, and coming home with a full heart to spend with my loved ones.
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