A Day In The Life Of A Woman Software Manager
Contributed by
Eliza Morrison
January 6, 2019

Eliza is currently based in Boston and has worked at home ever since she finished college. In this time, she has founded an ed tech startup and currently manages a software company; all while appearing on TV and in films on the side! What’s a day like for a software manager?
Titled “A Day In The Life Of A Woman,” this series celebrates the women in our lives. From the everyday to inspirational, the series aims to highlight women from various fields and share a bit of the diversity we experience every day.e every day.
I’m the late twenty-something Founder of the businesses Tutor the People and Nerdly. Having worked from home ever since I finished undergrad, I’ve had to develop a rigorous schedule to maintain productivity and balance all of the tasks I encounter in a day’s work.
Here’s a peek at what my day might look like:
7 AM: Exercise by doing cardio. I row a mile on my Water Rower machine! I also eat breakfast, which is a smoothie made the night before. Drink coffee, hydrate, shower, and get dressed for the day.
8 AM: Navigate outreach. I oversee our outreach efforts. I spend around two hours from 8-10AM reviewing emails and managing responses.
9 AM: Continue to navigate outreach. This consists of marketing, sales, product QA, and more.
10 – 11AM: Attend meetings. I meet online with my web developers and other team members.
12 PM: Eat lunch. I normally take a 30-minute break to eat lunch (or a snack) and call my grandmother. I speak to my grandmother every day. She tells me about the latest book she is reading (she is an avid reader and always has the best information to share with me), or shares a story from her life. I very much cherish this part of the day.
1 PM: Do phone calls. People can request a call with me via my online calendar, so I work on my phone calls during this time.
2 PM: Attend more meetings. I check in with marketing and HR during this time.
3 PM: Do yoga. During this time of day, I tend to get sleepy. So I do yoga at this time to give myself a breath of fresh air.
4 PM: Perform research. I conduct research on education, technology, and software.
5 PM: Email follow-ups. By this time, I have received a lot of emails that need attention. I dedicate two hours to this.
6 PM: Continue to email follow ups.
7 PM: Eat dinner. If I am cooking, I spend about an hour preparing my meal and then eating.
8 PM: Planning for tomorrow. At this time of day I check in with my partner, discuss the week’s goals, what has been accomplished, and update the plan for the rest of the week. I utilize various online tools to help organize this.
9 PM: Watch a series or film, or play video games. I, like everyone else on the internet, love binge-watching the latest trending series. I also enjoy foreign films.
I recently got a gaming console, so I do that some nights too. Gaming is a great way to give my brain a break from thinking about work, but at the same time, challenge myself to continue to problem-solve and think.
10 PM: Wind down. Do my night time routine of getting ready for bed. Tidy up. Check emails to make sure there is nothing pressing. Make sure my plan for tomorrow is set. Finally, transition to bed.
11 PM: My lights better be out by 11PM! If I am still awake, I am probably watching something on my laptop to help me fall asleep. Or if it’s a sleepless night, I’m reading or researching on the internet.
Well-Rounded Stay-At-Home Founder
I recently got married last October 2017. Andrew, my husband, is also my business partner, and co-founded Tutor the People and Nerdly with me. Tutor the People started in New York and hires tutors across the United States. Our headquarters is still in New York.
I also do some film and TV acting in my free time.
Eliza is an example of a woman who can be very “normal” and relatable, loving video games and films just like everyone else, but also doing “big things” all in the comforts of her home. We hope she inspires you to complete major projects, whatever your working style may be!
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