Embracing The Non-Linear Life: The One Mental Secret You Need To Change Your Life Fast
Contributed by
Yana Fry
October 19, 2015

I talk a lot about quantum leaping your life – making the switch from normal to amazing in a short time. I’ve actually broken these down into simple steps which I share with people during my workshops. But I find that there’s especially one ingredient you need to master in order to achieve success using the Quantum Leap method.
That ingredient is all mental.
It’s what I call “embracing the non-linear life.”
See, most of us are trained to see life in a linear, step-by-step fashion. That’s what school is like!
Grade 1 is followed by Grade 2, followed by Grade 3, etc. Everything is so clearly laid out and predictable, and we build our lives around this framework. Except school, in my opinion, is an artificial environment where clear roles are signed and simple games are played.
School has predetermined rules, closed context, a fixed environment, and very few variables.
Life is very different from school! Rules are not clear, games are far more complex, roles are overlapping, open context is overwhelming, the environment is ever changing, and new variables show up every day.
You are CONDITIONED that in order to succeed at school, you have to play by the rules and follow the process step by step. Many of us have never really graduated from school. How do I know? Because every day I see how people are trying to succeed in life using “school rules,” and when they fail – they keep wondering WHY.
The answer is very simple. What works well at school doesn’t work that well in life!
Life is a whole new game! It challenges you on the deepest level and at the same time gives you an opportunity to go from nothing to amazing pretty quick - if you know what to do. You also have the equal misfortune of going from the top to the bottom in a real short time if you mess up. Life is both opportunity and caution, without a safety net.
The reason most people don't lead amazing lives is because they apply the same linear, step-by-step, framework to live. They are scared, and they will only do something if they can see all the steps in front of them - think school! Hence, if there's any air of uncertainty, they back off and they opt for the safe route. This approach is like having a Ferrari but driving at 20km/h on the expressway. Yes, you might get there eventually, but it's a shame and a waste.
If you're reading this, I know you aren't satisfied with just another average life. You want something a bit more. To do this, you need to step out of the linear framework of life, and give yourself to embrace the unpredictability, the uncertainty, and the opportunity that life offers.
Learn to say ‘yes’ to massive opportunities, learn to spot golden moments that can transform your life forever, learn to hang around people at the top of their game, and learn to make BIG changes in your life so you prime yourself for BIG results. All these are clearly within your reach - but only if you embrace the non-linear, opportunity-filled life. Play life in the fast lane - with one eye on the rear-view mirror. I'm not saying be reckless. I'm saying be savvy, I'm saying be open and I'm saying have more fun and take in everything life has to offer.
As a person who has been living and succeeding in the fast lane, I can report that it's a lot more fun.
Strap in, believe in yourself, keep one eye on the rear–view mirror, and welcome to the non-linear life!
Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana's work.
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