Expecting a Bundle Of Joy? 5 Things You Should Know About Taking Bird Nests
Contributed by
Ying Yih Low*
October 24, 2015
“Why is regular consumption of bird nests good for pregnant women and new mummies?”
For those who are born in this region or have lived in South East Asia long enough, you might have known that Asians (especially the Chinese) strongly believe in taking bird nests. And you would have heard your gynecologists, your grandmothers, your mums (or in-laws) tell you so. But WHY?
Here are 5 Good Reasons why bird nests are great for pregnant women and new mummies:
- They’re almost 100% proteins and essential amino acids. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building block of it. Amino acids are biologically important organic compounds.
- Aid in the healthy development of the fetus. A large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissue are made up of amino acids, which carry out important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure. They therefore play a key role in the transport and storage of nutrients, and significantly influence the function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries.
- Enhance post birth recovery process for new mummies. The amino acids are essential for healing wounds and repairing tissue, especially in the muscles, bones, skin and hair, as well as for the removal of bodily wastes produced in the body in connection with metabolism.
- Help pregnant women and new mummies to achieve a well-balanced metabolism and maintain good energy level. The entire amino acid pool in our body transforms several times a day through complex biological processes within our body. In order to achieve a balanced metabolism, this pool of essential amino acid is required to be complete and maintained in a correct mix.
- Boost body immunity pre-natal and post birth. A number of essential amino acids cannot be created by the human body and so, must be taken in as food. Consuming bird nests on a regular basis is one of the most efficient ways to help replenish the body with such amino acids, which will help strengthen the immunity of pregnant women and new mummies.
Introducing our monthly subscription plan to freshly cooked bird nests at $199/month, for 4 jars, delivered weekly. Call us at 9693-5037 or contact us at King of Nests to get a trial jar at a discount. Visit www.kingofnests.com/monthly-subscription/ for more details on our current promotion.
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