Experience The Magic Of DIY Bonding Gifts Made From Your Children’s Own Artwork
Contributed by
Vinnie Mehta
November 25, 2016
The excitement of year-end is definitely in the air, with the holiday spirit thriving in the wide array of festivals from diverse cultures.
Most of us are planning trips to visit our extended families. Grandparents are eagerly waiting to spend precious time with their grandchildren, after an entire year of just seeing them through their smart phones or laptop screens.The beautiful relationship between grandparents and grandchildren create a special bond, which is something truly magical. A grandchild’s innocent stories are like a powerful fuel, rejuvenating their easily-tired grandfathers and grandmothers.
To capture and preserve that special bond of love between extended family and children, we have designed special DIY Bonding Gifts from the kids’ own drawings – precious gifts ranging from a mug with their grandchild’s own drawing to keep them smiling with every sip, to a tote bag which lets them proudly share their grandchild’s artwork with their friends and acquaintances.
I started DIY Bonding Gifts when I saw the obsession of children for movie merchandises – where they walk around without realizing how they actually, unconsciously become live advertising billboards of movies and TV shows. The entertainment industry has been capitalizing on these kids’ bond between themselves and their favourite movie characters for their own profits, without adding any value to empower children.
Now, I encourage children to draw their favorite movie character first – we then translate the their drawings into merchandise, which totally shifts the entire focus from movie merchandises to these children’s own art. Empowering children, and preserving their creativity for their loved ones at the same time.
DIY Bonding Gifts from children’s art is a great way to inspire them to bond with their own creativity & art.
Follow the link to order your DYI Bonding Gift, and
send your child’s drawing through email.
Edited by Michelle Sarthou
Image credit: Shutterstock
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