Fast Forward To 2020, Where And How Do You See Yourself?
Contributed by
Pamela Kirpalani
May 24, 2016
My objective today is to, for at least five minutes if not more, take you away from the current challenge or issue you may be facing in your life – personal or business.
Firstly, please do make it a habit of taking challenges or roadblocks as a blessing. You are where you are for a divine reason that you may not be able to understand now, but it will in its own time lend itself the grace of your inner growth (something we tend to take for granted as coming naturally). And secondly, let’s use this challenge as an opportunity to redirect you towards reassessing your purpose and then, as a by-product of sorts, create a more sincere and better future you.
Your answers to the next five questions might surprise you, so take a minute to get centred (you might need to close your eyes for numbers one to three).
Ask Yourself These Five Simple But Powerful Questions
- If no one judged you, where and how do you see yourself in four years’ time? Actually, close your eyes and picture yourself floating out of your body, and moving towards the future on a timeline towards the year 2020. Stop there and take a moment to reflect.
- While you are in the 2020 zone, ask yourself how you want to feel on the inside in four years – physically, emotionally and mentally? In order to do this, ask yourself: What do I look like? Where am I physically? Who is around me? What do I hear people saying or what sounds can I hear? What am I doing, exactly?
- Turn around on your timeline towards the ‘now’, and come back to the present time, to the present you. Open your eyes. Be aware that you are a star for being able to see yourself in the future and invite a feeling of relief that you are going to reach your future goal. Why? Because, guess what? Your subconscious mind already knows the steps to get you there!
- Now, with your eyes open, ask yourself in genuine honesty, where your current issue stands in your future-self?
- Additionally, you can even ask yourself what bad habits you have that you can get rid of that would be blocking your future, or what steps you can start to take now to get yourself there?
Write your learnings down. How close do you now feel about your present challenge? Have you moved away from it? Do you feel detached from it and do you see a bigger picture?
This post was first published on Pamela Kirpalani's LinkedIn and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: young woman in the park on summer morning from Shutterstock
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