For Creativity, Hit The Pause Button
Contributed by
Natalie Turner
February 4, 2016
Sitting on a balcony overlooking a paddy field, I started to pen this article. I was in Bali for the Ubud Writers’ and Readers’ Festival. I had wanted to go there ever since I heard about the festival a while ago but, like most things that require ring-fencing time and personal space, I put it off.
I have been reflecting a lot on this recently — the fact of putting things off — particularly in the light of leading innovation and, to be even more precise, being a woman leading innovation.
If innovation is the creation of value out of new ideas, the imperative to take stock and create space, not only for fresh insight and stimulation but also for self-care and wellness, needs to be jealously guarded.
It is easier said than done, as the responsibilities of work, home and family life build up and the pressures to perform, or conform, crowd in our desire to bring new ideas into the world.
Leading innovation requires strong internal capabilities and skills as we are moving, often, into unknown territory, whether we are entrepreneurs, corporate executives or planning to launch a new venture. Building confidence, having access to networks and the ability to collaborate with others are critical capacities — as innovating can often be lonely, difficult and very hard work.
Having a strong sense of belief — not only in ourselves but also in the vision we want to bring into the world — and the ability to keep picking ourselves up when the going gets tough are entry requirements.
This calls for an extra dose of resilience, probably more so than for normal forms of leadership. For innovation, by its very nature, is about pioneering, and this means that a degree of risk-taking and trail-blazing is required.
Networks Help Bridge Gaps
Lack of access to skills is often cited as one of the challenges facing women as they aspire to be innovation leaders. So it is exciting to see initiatives in Singapore, with its emphasis on learning and development, helping to bridge this gap.
For example, Google Singapore, in collaboration with Athena, a network for female entrepreneurs, created a programme called WeoW — Women Entrepreneurs on the Web — to build up the skills of women business owners in Google technologies and online marketing. I had the privilege of being one of the participants.
Ever since I arrived in Singapore, I have been impressed by just how supportive women are of each other and by the number of networks here, such as Athena and PrimeTime – another equally influential women’s organisation – created to build connections and help women to succeed. I often have the privilege of speaking at women’s networks inside organisations designed to help female executives hone their skills and capabilities. In response to the challenges that I hear about at these sessions, and my own reflections about the need to create space to help women make leadership a practice, I formed Women Who Lead, a retreat experience for female executives.
Through a connection I made at Athena, I am partnering with ESPA Spa in Sentosa to run a weekend retreat in March. Women Who Lead combines two worlds — personal health and wellness with professional leadership development.
“Women often spread themselves too thin and need to know how to take better care of their health,” says Datin Ramona Suleiman, serial entrepreneur and founder of the spa.
However, it is far more than just going to a spa for a massage. It is about learning how to build the critical supports we need in life so we can lead from a place of strength; body, soul and spirit. Lack of sleep, bad nutrition, little exercise and an absence of self-reflection will eventually take their toll not only on our bodies but on our minds and ideas, too. We will burn out.
It requires more than going away for a few days on retreat; we need to build supports into our lives that we can take with us wherever we go.
Create A Rhythm
At the festival in Bali, it was interesting to learn from professional (many of them women) novelists how they master their craft. While there is no one set rule or process, all are reflecting, in some way, on their past and their present, being keen observers of life and its motivations.
And while some spoke of their discipline and focus — two hours’ writing, break, two hours’ writing, walk, two hours’ writing, eat — another spoke of how a character for her book came to her as she breastfed her baby in a dreamlike state in the middle of the night.
Creating a rhythm that combines, and cultivates, creativity and discipline is what helps them to succeed. So often we want things to just appear, or we are left in that place of ever desiring but never quite materialising. Their words of wisdom: just start.
Closer to home, Singapore has its own annual Writers’ Festival. It, too, is full of insightful talks, workshops and creative inspiration.
Whatever your gender, see if you can hit the pause button, take a breather from day-to-day pressures and learn from another world unlike your own. You might just be pleasantly surprised.
Visit to find out more about Natalie's innovation work and her Energise Life page to find out about her interest in innovative technologies that are transforming how we age.
This article was written by Natalie Turner and originally published in Today Online.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
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