Getting Fighting Fit at 40 Part 4: When You’ve Hit A Brick Wall
Contributed by
Pauliina Salmenhaara
June 29, 2015
The magnanimous universe throws things our way and all of a sudden, life turns on a different lane. In my case, it is one without boxing gloves, without kicks, and without skipping ropes — and without fighting. I’d like to say dreams sometimes get crushed, but that would be melodramatic.
When I made my vision board (photo) in March 2015, I envisioned my forties to be about action, six packs, danger, sensuality, strong womanhood, and being fit as a fiddle. Now, 8 weeks later, much has changed.
In February, I started to experience lower back pain. This was nothing new. Since the age of 10, I’ve had back pain. That’s why I had to quit ballet at the age of 12. So back pain is no stranger to me. However, this time around it worsened progressively.
Training alongside my coach, we cut back on the tougher side of training by degrees each time. Until one time, Yannick Rolling looked at me with firmness and a certain gentle grimness and said something along the lines of, “I can’t coach you at the moment. It would be wrong of me, and dangerous. Come, let’s go for a walk.”
That has been drilled onto my head for the past 9 weeks.
I took the news as that I have to take it easy, that I can’t exercise the way I used to, that I can’t box– basically, that I can’t work towards the dream I have, or else surgery will almost for certain be the only way out.
Let’s pause here whilst my eyes well up with tears and I feel crushed by this slipped disc of mine. Without doubt, I am sad. I was working hard towards a goal and it brought me such joy. I am also angry, furious at times. Why me? Just when I had great plans for my forties.
At the same time, I have enough ups and down behind me to know that this is just another one of those growth moments, the sort where I have the choice to step down and be defeated or to step up to the challenge and come out even stronger and fitter than originally intended.
I can continue fighting — and I will.
It’s just a different kind of fight, and a different sort of fit.
The fight to be pain-free. The fight where I put my gloves aside and focus on mental fitness, on being as mentally-fit as a fiddle.
The fitness that comes from mental strength and determination.
And how about the action and danger I craved? There’s plenty of that to go around, even without six packs. As for being sensual and strong, well, I can just be a woman who overcomes obstacles, learns from them, grows stronger, shares with others, has experiences – she’s pretty hot, wouldn’t you say?
In Part 5, find out which Ten Tips for Mental Fitness I follow whenever I think I’ve hit a wall.
- fitness coach Yannick Rollin (,
- chiropractor Matthieu Maugueret ( / [email protected]),
- Occupational and Combined Therapist ( AHPC ) Else Vistisen (,
- three orthopaedic surgeons
- TCM Physician Dr. Kong Swee Siew (,
- consultant pain specialist Dr. Choo Chee Yong (
- Dr. Melanie Phua of Nutramed Clinic (
- husband, parents, friends,
- and ultimately, myself,
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