Guide To An Energised New Year For Busy Women
Contributed by
Pauliina Salmenhaara
December 4, 2016

People often are astonished by my energy levels and the number of projects I’m involved in, as well as the travelling I do.
They ask, ‘How do you do it?’, and ‘Where does your energy come from?’ Simple: I listen to my body and feed it what it needs – mainly so-called healthy foods, but also bubbles and beer.
This month, let’s look at how to maintain high energy levels. and stay healthy, with a busy lifestyle. Let me be honest up front here, and say that about once a year I almost burn out, because I take one or two projects too many, and then my body just crashes. I am never surprised when I crash, because the warning signs are often there – at least one month before. I just choose to risk it, and if at any point I get lazy with my nutritional or sleep choices, it can be detrimental.
So if you work long hours, and are incredibly busy in your career, relationships, and travel, how do you keep your health in check?
What we eat makes a big difference in the nourishment our bodies receive. My number one tip for this new year, to become more energised, would be a healthful eating routine:
- Don’t skip meals. Make sure to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with any necessary snacks in between.
- Don’t let limited time limit your food effort. Avoid junk and processed foods, and make the extra effort to find restaurants near work where they serve fresh, whole foods. Even better, take a day of the week to prepare at least two lunches per week to take to work, and make it a priority to have food that feels nourishing at every meal.
- Incorporate a brisk walk into your lunch time. Walk to a wholesome restaurant to energise your body.
I’d like to focus this time on getting you into the mindset to start a healthy lifestyle in the new year. The four questions below are meant to motivate you into a proactive state of mind to get into a healthy routine.
1. Why Do I Want To Stay Healthy?
Knowing your WHY is crucial if you are really dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. Do you want to be healthy to look good? To feel fit? To cure your illness? To enjoy a hobby?
WHY defines your purpose, and acknowledging this purpose can give you focus. If you ever feel like quitting, always remind yourself of your WHY – and you’ll be on track again.
2. What Is My Goal?
WHAT is your goal for the new year? To lose weight? To learn how to prepare healthy meals? To become a vegetarian or vegan?
When making goals, always remember to make it S.M.A.R.T.: Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-Based. I’m a firm believer of slow and steady, of taking it one small step at a time. List down your energising S.M.A.R.T goals in your journal, and track your progress.
3. How Will I Start Living A Clean Lifestyle?
To help you get started, consider this: What are your realistic options, considering your schedule, resources, and location? What healthy restaurants and/or ingredients are available in your area? How much money are you willing to spend? Being aware of your options can help you make an attainable plan that is more likely to succeed.
4. What Excuses Do I Need To Let Go?
Let’s be honest: We are all pretty good at coming up with good excuses. Busy? Don’t have time? Too tired? Having the “I’ll start tomorrow” syndrome?
Stop it! Focus instead on your WHY. When you make health a priority and schedule it in your calendar, you can’t use “I’m too busy” as an excuse anymore.
Researchers from The Ohio State University, together with Mayo Clinic, have found that long work hours are more dangerous for women than men.
This study was made to conclude the effect of a 9 to 5 job on our health, and to check if gender also plays a part. According to the study, women who work 60 hours or more per week are three times more vulnerable to getting diabetes, cancer, heart disease, asthma, and arthritis.
So, let us women give importance to our health. Staying healthy doesn’t need to be complicated. Start with a change of mindset, and then take small, supportive steps. The questions listed above are a great first step in helping to get you there.
“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” Lemony Snicket, The Ersatz Elevator
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