Healthy Festive Eating
Contributed by
Liza Rowan
December 24, 2017

With the festive season in full swing, do you find you’re already dreading feeling bloated, lethargic, and a little unhealthy?
Some clients tell me how they can’t wait to get all the celebrations out of the way, so that they can focus on being healthy again!
To be honest, if I may, this saddens me a little – actually, a lot. Those of you who know me will appreciate why I say this, probably best summed up in my three tag lines:
You’ve one body, love it. You’ve one life, live it!
There’s a healthier version of everything!
Being healthy should be fun!
What’s the point in seeking to be healthier, slimmer, fitter – if we need to miss out on all the fun things that life has to offer.
We’re on this planet for a relatively short time, so surely we want to make the most of it – by joining in all the celebrations that life has to offer, particularly enjoying the wonderful company of family and friends.
And yes, part of joining in the fun is of course to enjoy good food and to have a few drinks, but that doesn’t mean we have to jeopardize our personal health goals in doing so.
Many have already committed to a ‘diet’ of some sort to rectify the damage they plan on doing over the holiday season’s festivities as we all close out the year. However, Chinese New Year celebrations come around way too fast, then there’s Valentine’s day, St Patrick’s day (I’m Irish), next is Easter…all threatening your best intentions.
We can’t continually put off our health kick/weight loss initiative until the next celebration has come and gone – because there is always another reason to party just around the corner. This is particularly the case here in Singapore, where we tend to go on our fair share of holidays, entertain lots of visitors, and celebrate many cross-cultural festivities. We are social creatures, and we need to eat a few times daily to function, hopefully to thrive, regardless of the day of the year.
So, we need to find that balance of having fun, while enjoying good food, but ensuring we stay healthy. This includes maintaining good energy levels, feeling good about ourselves, having body confidence, and of course maintaining a strong immunity to prevent us from falling ill.
So let’s find a way of ‘marrying the two’ on an ongoing basis – being sociable, while staying healthy.
We know that diets, or any fads, don’t work – of course, weight is lost when we restrict certain foods or an entire food group (e.g. carbs). However, on diets we feel deprived, become obsessed, and often lack energy – forcing us to throw in the towel. So we end up putting all the weight back on, and then some!
Therefore let’s stop ‘dieting’ and focus on being healthy, period. This means no more swings in the state of our health, in our energy levels, or our weight.
In preparation for long celebrations such as Christmas and New Year, and for ongoing celebrations in general, let’s focus on what we can do today, and apply these guidelines every day. When these celebrations come around, sure, enjoy a few extras, but plan for them, savor them mindfully, and continue to stick with as many of these guidelines as you can.
Here are some general guidelines for you to follow in keeping healthy throughout our year-long festive season:
Start Each Day With A Good Breakfast – I suggest some fresh fruit, followed by complex carbs and protein – oatmeal with nuts/seeds, homemade no-sugar granola, eggs with wholegrain toast, omelet with vegetables.
Cut Out ‘White’ Foods – White carbs (sugar, breads, pasta, flours) and white oils (refined processed oils and hydrogenated fats). These are termed ‘white poisons’ and contribute in no way to our good health. Seek out recipes that offer healthier replacements to refined sugar and flours; consider making your stuffing with wild rice rather than breadcrumbs. If dining out, see the Buffet Tips above, and focus more on what a healthy plate should look like.
Increase Your Intake Of Whole-Grains – Experiment with the wide offerings of wild rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, wheat berries, bulgur, and amaranth. Each has a unique flavor and offers varied nutrient content.
Enjoy A ‘Rainbow’ Of Vegetables With Meals – Be that in salads, soups, curries, stir-fries, stews, roasts – these are our true powerhouse of nutrients, and critical for our better health.
Enjoy A Few Portions Of Fruit Daily – Berries offer high anti-oxidants and fiber, while being sweet and low in fat. Bear in mind that fruit is rich in natural sugars, so limit to 2-3 varied portions daily.
Monitor Intake Of Saturated Fats From Animal Meats, Poultry, And Dairy — Understand the source of these foods, as animals are often treated with hormones and antibiotics. Organic versions are certainly not cheap, especially here in Singapore, so perhaps consider choosing other options – e.g. replace some of your milk with non-dairy sources – this also brings a wider variety of nutrients to your diet.
Increase Your Intake Of Beans And Legumes – These are a great source of protein and fiber, and very versatile, while being inexpensive. Aim for a few meatless days during the week, and invest in quality meats/poultry when you do consume these foods.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs – Omega 3 And 6) Are So Important For Our Immunity, Rejuvenation,And Mental Health – Best food sources are seeds (flax, chia, pumpkin), walnuts, leafy greens, and cold-water fish (wild salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel). Ideally consume these fish two to three times weekly.
Spice Up Your Dishes And Taste Buds With Herbs And Spices – These also provide specific health benefits; e.g. cinnamon helps controls blood sugars, turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Avoid Artificial Flavorings, Additives And Preservatives, Along With Artificial Sweeteners -These are chemicals, many of which are irritants, and some are implicated in hyperactivity, ADHD, cancer, and other diseases.
Grill, Steam And Roast Foods Without Added Fats, Or Use Just A Little Butter Or Coconut Oil – When stir-frying, use a little olive oil, and add stock or water as required – this also keeps temperatures down, preventing the oil from reaching smoking point. Roast potatoes and vegetables by tossing them in a little oil, and add lots of flavor by way of garlic, herbs and spices. Your turkey has plenty of fat in its skin, so certainly no need to add more – rub the skin with lemon juice and spices rather than added fat.
Only Stock Healthy Food In Your Fridge And Kitchen, While Also Keeping Pre-Prepared Healthy Snacks On Hand – You can eat only healthy food, if you purchase and stock only healthy items.
Experiment With Healthier Substitutes When Cooking And Baking – e.g. Natural yogurt in place of mayonnaise, soaked dried fruits syrup for sweetness when baking.
Cook In Bulk To Save Time – Boil extra eggs, roast extra salmon, to have on hand for quick lunches of snacks. Make extra marinades and sauces, and store in your freezer to use at a future date.
Freeze Fruits, Fruits Juices And Yogurts For Quick Healthy Desserts – Check out ‘How to Make Kefir Lollies‘
Limit Caffeine Intake, Particularly If You Are Sensitive – A few good quality espresso based coffee can be enjoyed, along with black, green and herbal teas.
Save Your Alcohol Units For Special Occasions Or Meals Out, Sticking To Wine, Or A Quality Additive-Free Beer.
Dine At Home, Or Take A Packed Lunch, As Often As Possible – This keeps you in control of the quality and quantity of your food intake.
Eat Mindfully, taking your time to enjoy meals so that foods can be digested properly and minimizing the risk of overeating. It takes 20 minutes for satiety to register, whereas we often rush a meal in much less time.
Plan And Indulge Mindfully In Your Treats – Be it some good quality chocolate, a glass of wine, or a shared dessert. We all need a little ‘sweetness’ in our lives..
To our health!
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