How To Balance Good And Bad Bacteria In Your Gut For Optimal Health
Contributed by
Su Lee Chong
May 6, 2016
Did you know that you have more than 400 species of good and bad bacteria in your gut? A good balance of the good and bad bacteria contributes to the health of the digestive system, as well as overall health.
Most of these bacteria reside in the intestine. A healthy balance of intestinal flora helps to filter and eliminate harmful bacteria, toxins and waste products. It also aids in the digestion of food. They help the synthesis of vitamins and nutrients, the metabolism of certain medicines, support the development and function of a healthy gut, and strengthen the immune system.
What Causes The Imbalance Of Good And Bad Bacteria?
There is a delicate balance of good and bad bacteria, and this is easily disturbed by:
- Poor diet and food choices, such as sugary and processed food
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Lack of sleep
- Emotional stress
What Happens When There Is An Imbalance Of Good And Bad Bacteria?
When the population of bad bacteria exceeds the good bacteria in the gut, the barrier is lowered allowing the influx of bad bacteria, toxins and large protein molecules into the body. You may experience problems associated with leaky-gut, such as:
- Bad bacteria spreading to the urinary system, causing urinary tract infections
- Fatigue due to toxin overload
- A weakened immune system leading to allergies and autoimmune reactions, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, skin infections and vaginal tract infections
- Diarrhea due to intestinal reaction to the bad bacteria
Probiotics are live micro-organisms taken in the right dose to confer good health, and are the answer to maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut. Despite a normal, healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates, you still cannot obtain probiotics from these foods.
You can get natural probiotics from yogurt, cheese, miso, tempeh and kimchi. You can also take probiotic supplements in the right dosage to give you optimal gut health.
The main micro-organisms found in probiotics are:
1. Lactobacillus
These are found in the digestive, urinary and genital system. They are also found in fermented food, such as yogurt.Lactobacillus prevents urinary tract infections, irritable bowel syndrome, skin disorders and respiratory infections.
2. Bifidobacteria
These are found in a healthy colon and appear in the intestinal tract of babies within days of birth. They can ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome,help prevent dental cavities and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
Research done by MM Tabbers from the Department of Paediatrics, Gastroenterioloy & Nutrition, Emma Children’s Hospital in Amsterdam, Holland, was published in the Nutrition Journal, February 2011. It showed that Bifidobacterium breve helps with the treatment of constipation in children. As most children reject fruits and vegetables and do not have enough fiber in their diet, they tend to suffer from constipation. Giving them probiotics containing Bifidobacteria breve will help alleviate the symptoms.
3. Saccharomyces
This is a type of yeast that can help treat diarrhea and acne problems. It also reduces the side effects of gastric ulcer treatments.
4. Streptococcus
This micro-organism produces the enzyme lactose, which helps to prevent lactose intolerance and bowel inflammation.
You can find many types of probiotics out there. They come in the form of capsules, tablets and free-flowing powder. Unicity’s Probionics is special, because the probiotics are encapsulated to allow the micro-organisms to pass through the stomach intact, to reach the intestine where it works.
Visit Look Good Feel Great Always to find out more about Su Lee's work.
This post was first published on Look Good Feel Great Always blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: Ripe pomegranates with juice from Shutterstock
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