How To Bring Miracles Into Your Life – Now!
Contributed by
Yana Fry
March 8, 2016
Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to work with six beautiful souls who came for my Singapore “Leap of Faith Experience”. Now, every Leap of Faith Experience is different because I tailor the workshop to fit the participants’ needs. In this one, we discussed how to bring miracles into your life.
Most people think miracles are things that appear “poof” out of nowhere – like money dropping from the sky or waking up suddenly famous. That’s not what miracles really are. In fact, miracles are far easier to create than you think.
Curious? Let me explain…
We all have a mind, a body, a heart, and a spirit. Our mind’s job is to keep us safe. Our body follows our mind. Our heart has infinite wisdom few of us listen to or tap into. And our spirit is connected 24/7 to the divine.
When most people enter my Leap of Faith Experience, they are all in their head. Their fear-driven mind runs their life like a tyrant carrying a whip, never letting them get a moment’s rest. Their body follows the mind like a servant following its master. Yet the body shows signs of wear and abuse, because it isn’t truly happy. People drag their feet and have hunched postures. They are usually frowning and sighing a lot. Their hearts are closed because they never listened to it … or when the heart speaks out, they tell the heart to hush and be quiet. We have to make a living. We cannot afford to listen to you. And their spirit – well, it’s neglected and tossed aside.
Overall, the person is surviving and breathing – but deeply unhappy. Something doesn’t seem right, but they can’t quite figure out exactly what it is.
The Workshop
During the workshop, my real goal is to get the person to silence their mind – even for just two days. I get them to do exercises that change the voice, tone, and volume of their “inner critic” … the nasty monster that yells abuse at you every time you try to do something new and change.
When your “inner critic” sounds like Donald Duck or a crazy talk show host, it’s easier to ignore what it is saying. Also, if you realize it’s your “inner critic” and not you talking, you suddenly realize you have a choice to ignore it if it’s out of control.
That’s step one.
Next, I guide them to listen to their heart (some people for the first time) … and trust their spirit. Most people think they need to go to the ends of the earth to find the answers they seek, but actually all the answers lie inside you … if you only know where to look and you care enough to listen.
I lead participants to open their hearts, connect with a time when they felt loved and free, and give their spirit a chance to lead them to the answers they seek. I give them space and safety to reflect and come up with answers. And suddenly, almost everyone realizes that they already had the solutions to their deepest problems! The answer lay inside them all along!
I have them see beyond “playing the victim” and “rolling in the drama” they create for themselves. I have them see that the world is full of possibilities … and if they made a choice, they could show up differently and create something different for themselves.
They did not have to play into the repetitive trap their “inner critic” set for them. There was a better, different way. For many of them, they break down at this point. They realize that there was indeed a better way, and that they didn’t have to keep living the same non-working, broken lives every single day. Things could really get better.
Finally, for this recent workshop, I took all my participants to the trampoline park so they could reconnect with their spirit - the youthful, adventurous, curious, fun-seeking part of themselves. You wouldn't believe how much fun everyone had. It was like they were kids once more: young, free, and without a care in the world. For one hour, we just jumped with the little kids - like we were eight years old once again.
We did somersaults, landed on our bums and laughed. It was okay to try, experiment, and make mistakes - without fear or judgment. Bit by bit, I saw everyone connecting with their spirit - their connection to the divine. And when we got back together and spoke about our experiences, everyone had such profound learnings. But the surprises didn't stop there.
One participant shared that, the night before, he closed a big money-making deal. It seemed to have come from nowhere. Another found the answers to being more self-accepting and happier. She had been very self-critical for years, and finally knew how to love herself. One participant realized how to bring the romance back into her relationship with her husband; another managed to let go of a recent break-up and realize that love can enter her life again.
And looking into their eyes, I saw the beauty, love and energy of their spirits reflected back at me. It was like they had been reborn.The past didn’t have to hold them back anymore. For the first time, they were free to create and have amazing things enter their lives.
And this is how miracles are created. You see, the word "miracle" means" an extraordinary event, which is usually attributed to the divine". If you silence your mind, listen to your heart and connect to your divine spirit, that's how you start bringing miracles into your life. The answer is right there in the definition!
The final step is for your body to take action and make it happen.
On the last day, as they wept and hugged me goodbye, I felt nothing but love and joy for them. I know if they keep listening to their hearts, stay plugged in to their divine spirit and take action, their lives will change in amazing ways they cannot even begin to imagine.
This was how I did it all those years ago.
And now you know.
Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana's work.
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