How To Create A Meaningful Business One Small Touch At A Time
Contributed by
Else Strom Vistisen
August 11, 2017

Have you ever wanted to take time out to help people in need in your community, but simply did not have enough time? Or maybe you have asked yourself what would happen if you were able to give back just by doing the things you love?
I certainly had asked myself those questions on numerous occasions. I had many excuses, such as not having the time, not knowing who to contact and where, or found that the projects were just too complicated to understand.
Only two years ago I was fortunate enough to meet Masami Sato, the Founder and Paul Dunn, Co-Founder1 of B1G1. B1G1 Businesses for Good2 is a worldwide social non-profit initiative headquartered in Singapore.
It helps businesses around the world achieve social impact by embedding “giving” activities in their business operations to create unique Giving Stories. It’s a simple model where every business transaction or everyday activity can impact lives for as little as just 1 cent.
I have a passion to help alleviate pain one small touch at a time, but I also strongly believe in making a positive impact beyond what I do for my clients. Because of this I became a lifetime partner of B1G1.
If you too have been looking to create impact, let me quickly share how I have incorporated giving into my daily business transactions. You’ll see that there really is an easy and simple way to create a huge impact with the power of just a small touch.
Meaningful Business Giving Initiatives at Else Vistisen Therapy
When we get a new client3, a full day of occupational therapy is given to a child with special needs.
For every five copies of my book, The Mother and The Therapist4 sold, a full day of medical support is given to a child in need in India.
For every five copies of Pain Free5 sold, we give a book to a child in need in China.
When we connect on LinkedIn6, a family in Ethiopia receives a day of access to life-saving clean water.
The possibilities are endless! You can always be creative and try new things to make an impact.
It is exciting, and it gives a whole new meaning to our business.
How have you created a meaningful business? What do you want to start doing in your business to be more socially conscious?
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