How To Feng Shui Your Office Space
Contributed by
Amy Picanço
March 9, 2017

As the main hub of a business or organization, the office is a hugely important component of any successful organization.
Many studies have shown how important the office environment is in factors such as productivity, employee happiness, and public image, so it undoubtedly pays off to strike the right balance in your office.
Many companies are increasingly incorporating the principles of feng shui into the workplace. Feng shui is a philosophy originating in China that emphasizes the importance of harmony in the environment in order to create balance, positive energy, and well-being. With a history stretching back over 3,500 years, feng shui draws upon ancient systems of thought such as Taoism, and has been at the heart of Chinese architecture and home-keeping for millennia. Office feng shui is something that all businesses large and small should consider adopting. GetVoIP1 has helped put together the complete guide to office feng shui.2
Why Transform Your Office Space?
Poorly laid-out offices can be an inhibiting place to work, which can negatively impact many areas of an organization. Without sufficient space, aesthetics, and structure, workers can soon begin to suffer if they are not afforded a pleasant and comfortable environment to work in. This is the guiding principle behind implementing feng shui ideas into the workplace, helping to transform an otherwise indifferent or stifling office environment into one where everyone can feel well and flourish.
There are a few different factors in an office that can play a key role in improving overall efficiency and happiness, something which feng shui for your office should improve and encourage. Comfort is a vital part of any office space and ranges from physical comforts such as staying warm, comfortable, and clean; to psychological comforts such as physical security and sufficient privacy. Another important component of an office is whether it encourages social interaction, collaboration, and teamwork.
Feng shui holds these factors in high value; these and many more can be nurtured to maximize energy and positivity in the office. As well as improving the condition of each individual’s workspace, feng shui also places a strong emphasis on the overall structure and layout of the place, so that the team as a whole can enjoy mutual benefits.
Incorporating Feng Shui Into The Workplace
Organizing Your Desk
Feng shui principles can first be applied to your individual workspace in order to maximize your productivity and well-being. The clutter of the modern workstation with its electronic wires, paperwork, and gadgets can be an interference so it helps to clear them from your desk. Feng shui dictates that 50% of your desk should be clear from all clutter to help ensure the mind is not cluttered. The position of your desk is also vital within the room itself, as well as having the correct arrangement on any shared desks.
Another great office feng shui idea is that your desk should be positioned so that you are always facing the door, as this signifies being open to future possibilities. For any shared desks, face-to-face arrangements should be avoided as this can hinder concentration. However, if there is no other option, then a plant should be placed in the middle of the desk to act as a barrier.
Organizing Tasks
Having too much on your plate at any one time can be stressful and prevent workers from being able to dedicate their full focus into one task, as it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the variety of things you need to do. This is why feng shui advises keeping your work day set to a system of schedules, where you allocate times within the day to focus on each task at a time.
This allows your mind to focus entirely on one specific area of work, rather than jumping from task to task without completing anything in its entirety. One example of this is to set aside one period each day to go through all the paperwork you need doing, or to tackle any repetitive administrative tasks all in one go.
Office Layout
Feng shui ideas can completely transform the arrangement of your office place. Color is an important component of feng shui, with certain colors reflecting emotions and moods. For example, creativity and health are associated with the color yellow, while subtle colors such as pale green or sandstone can help keep energy flowing in the office without being too bright. Creating space in the aisles between desks is another trick to keep energy flowing and allow the office to breathe.
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