How To Find A Mentor To Help You Navigate Life and Business
Contributed by
Yana Fry
May 3, 2016
I thought it would be mighty relevant to write about how you can find yourself a business mentor to help you navigate your way through life and business. From my experience, starting a new business can be tough and no matter what you do, you will have daily problems that need to be solved. These can become real issues if you mishandle them.
Whatever problems you face in your new business, you should handle them properly and professionally. So, how can you deal with these problems and overcome them easily? This is where getting a mentor comes in. But, the challenge could be how to find the right business mentor for you.
First, let’s define what a mentor is. A business mentor is that person who has had a business or who still has a business similar to yours and who has enough experience on how it is run. In most cases, the person is not in your niche, but the closer to the line of work you do, the better for you.
So, the person you are on the lookout for should be the kind of mentor whom you admire and whom you look up to in terms of how a business is run. These kinds of mentors are all around you in your community. You may also contact some bigwigs in the industry. Remember, growth is all about stepping out of your comfort zone!
Now, let us look at the three most important things that can help you to find a business mentor:
1. Be Clear On What You Want To Achieve
It is important to do this first. When you have a new business and you need someone to help you out with necessary suggestions, you need to be clear as to who will fit the bill. So, you may begin by writing down your expectations and the kind of help you want from the mentor. Then, explain all these to the mentor so that he or she will know how to help you.
2. Explore Available Options First
Start by looking at your existing network first. It's far easier to leverage the contacts you already have. The mentorship that you need could come from family members, friends, and neighbors, so talk to them and find out if they know anyone that can help you. Do not overlook your inner circle; start from there and expand outwards.
3. Determine Clear Objectives And Meeting Guidelines
Understand that your mentor is a busy person, and it’s not their job to micro-manage (read: babysit!) you. Let them know what you want them to do, and how often they need meet you. The clearer and more purposeful each meet-up, the better the relationship and the more useful this arrangement will be. Ultimately, finding a mentor requires the use of all the other "People Power" skills I have mentioned in my earlier articles.
The three tips above are specific for finding a mentor - but before you get there, you need to connect, listen and give value. Make sure you review the tips that I've shared in earlier articles. Getting a mentor can be one of the greatest shortcuts ever and I wish you the very best in finding a top-notch mentor to help you navigate life and business.
To a more conscious you,
P.S. Do check out my "People Power" website as I share 8 tips you can use to network and connect with high-power people.
This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: Women sitting at the table and working from Shutterstock
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