How To Thump An Afternoon Slump
Contributed by
Liza Rowan
January 3, 2018

It smacks us all – usually mid-afternoon, when we’re trying to get through a productive period at work, and muster up energy for the remaining 8 or so hours of our day.
Let me share a few simple tips on how to re-ENERGISE, so that we avoid getting dragged into that downward spiral of unproductivity.
E – Eat a healthy snack.
Fruit along with some protein, or healthy fat, is ideal – e.g. apple slices with nut butter, berries with Greek yogurt, a healthy trail mix or protein bar, crudités with hummus — endless healthy options. The priority here is to avoid sugary processed snacks, which may first provide a quick-fix hit, but then toss us further down that slide of lethargy.
If not sensitive to coffee, a little caffeine (good quality espresso) will help; or better, a little dark chocolate (70%+) for some anti-oxidant and a light java boost all in one!
N – Nap it off
In a previous career, when travelling to Asia for meetings, I was always amused to witness co-workers having short catnaps at their desks. Now I totally appreciate these little time-outs, and encourage them; they are a powerful ‘perk me up’ for the remainder of our day. Alternatively, a short meditation session would help refocus our energy, while deep breathing brings much needed oxygen to our lungs.
E – Eyestrain relief
Many of us spend so much time in front of a screen of some sort – mobile devices, pads and PCs – which can cause eye fatigue; worthy of its own name now that it’s so common – Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS. It’s important to take regular breaks from the screen (by looking into the distance), reduce screen glare, and blink often to refresh the eyes, thereby reducing dryness and potentially itching/sore eyes.
R – Rehydrate
Sometimes all it takes is a refreshing drink of ice cold water (or a splash of some on the face). Make H2O more palatable by adding fruit or vegetables slices and herbs. Take turns with colleagues to come up with unique creations to have on standby in a large cooler (my current favourite is cucumber, mint leaves and orange slices – almost worthy of being a cocktail!).
G – Get Moving
As advised during air travel, we also need to get our circulation going on a regular basis when on the ground. Take a brisk walk around the block or up a few flights of stairs, at a swift pace, to get everything stirred up a little.
I – Increase the volume
Feel the beat of some uplifting music – or better, combine this with the previous point and start an office trend – 10 minutes of throwing shapes mid-afternoon to the office’ favourite tunes. Integrating fun, music and movement to get us more motivated – what office boss wouldn’t buy into it…?
S – Stretch in the sunshine
Extend those contracted limbs and muscles, holding each stretch for 20 seconds to reap the benefit. Vitamin D from the sun provides a great boost of energy, and is an essential nutrient for our better health. In sunnier climates. we tend to take sunshine for granted, and often don’t enjoy it due to long commutes and working indoors. So take advantage and soak up those rays on your skin for 15 minutes or so daily, taking care to avoid any risk of sunburn.
E – Express your intentions
Review to-do-lists at the end of the day, so that priorities are reassessed and we regain focus. When hosting Corporate Wellness talks, my clients learn about “energy” management as opposed to time control. Using my coined phrase ‘energy breeds productivity, productivity breeds energy’, strive to be that joyous person that continues to maintain enthusiasm, and therefore efficiency.
The flow of good energy is important for our Health & Vitality, and to continuously attract positive things to our life. Use these strategies keep everything in circulation.
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