In The Spotlight: Cheryl May Ng, Cyan Communications
Contributed by
Cheryl May Ng
December 6, 2015

A marketer with over 10 years’ regional experience in both client and agency settings in marketing, communications, and several global organisations. Cheryl May Ng loves meeting entrepreneurs and business owners to inspire and help, so after quitting her job in search of refreshing, she ended up founding a company that has now been going strong for over three years.
In such a short time, Cheryl has learned much and grown even more. The passion that fuels her love for Cyan Communications will hearten you!
Eye On The Target Career
Tell us about you and your business/career, and what you were doing before you started?
I’m currently in the line of Marketing & PR, and also co-founded a boutique PR firm. Marketing and communications has always been my interest as a career and also something I am very passionate about.
Being a regional marketer was definitely something I sought out as a career, and I feel very lucky to have been given the opportunities that I have had.
But with regards to starting my own firm, that was definitely not planned for. I quit my job back then to take a break and probably hide out in Bali or Phuket on a budget to do some yoga and writing. However, friends started approaching me to do freelance marketing and PR projects for them, and I thought, “hey why not start an agency and see where it goes from there!” It’s been over 3 years since that happened, and needless to say I never made it to Bali for that yoga trip!
I would say, besides my passion for this field, I definitely did not get to where I am today if not by the good grace of some incredible mentors I have had along the way, and also bosses and clients who believed in my capabilities to allow me to soar in my career.
Advice For The Like-Minded
What would you say to people who are struggling with making the jump into a new career, or position?
I’d say, “just do it!” Stop talking about it or thinking about it. Nothing happens unless you do something about it. If you are not going to pursue it, stop wondering.
But if it’s something you want to do, then don’t hesitate. What is the worst that can happen if something doesn’t work out? Live life with no regrets, not with ‘what if’s?’
What is your advice for fellow professionals who are tired, burnout, and ready to call it quits?
There are days when it gets crazy and I do think “oh my goodness, why am I doing this or maybe I should just hide and shut it all out.” But that is not like me to do that. Giving up would have been painful and be much more of a regret. The feeling of accomplishment when you overcome something is so much more rewarding.
I don’t believe in quitting, but I believe in taking needed breaks to refresh your mind, body and soul so that you have more capacity to be better.
Your True Competition
What is your biggest challenge/frustration as an entrepreneur or professional?
The biggest challenge I would say is to always be better. Not just better than your competitor or what is the current benchmark, but better than what you were yesterday.
Don’t Live In A Box Or In The Past
What is the most important lesson you can share your wisdom with others about?
The biggest lesson in life that I have learned is that there is never a box to think out of. Whoever tells you to “think outside the box” is clearly living in a box. I believe that you set your own targets, dreams and goals not by the benchmark or measure of society or what someone else says, but what makes you happy and by what you think works for you. There are limitless possibilities in life, you have to remember that and go for it.
If you could do it all again – what would you do differently?
I would have started being entrepreneurial at a much younger age if I had the choice. But hey, everything for a reason right?
But then again, no point dwelling on the past and regrets. It’s easier said than done, but you can’t change it anymore.
Feel free to approach me for marketing, PR or personal development talks! 🙂
Visit Cyan Communications to find out more about Cheryl’s work.
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