In The Spotlight: Su Lee Chong, Founder Of Look Good Feel Great Always
Contributed by
Su Lee Chong
February 4, 2018

She left her comfortable corporate job of 25 years to become the wellness coach and founder of Look Good Feel Great Always. She has helped countless individuals lose weight while providing corporate wellness programs to corporations through a holistic program of nutrition, exercise and knowledge.
As women continue to be a driving force for change around the world, this series aims to highlight those who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to creating an impact.
She is a trained chemist, using her extensive knowledge in biochemistry of the human body to provide the knowledge to educate her clients on proper nutrition for the body. We are delighted to share Su Lee Chong’s experience, advice, and wisdom with you in this Spotlight interview!
Tell us about you and your business/career, and what you were doing before you started?
I was a trained chemist and worked for multi-national companies in the Specialty Chemical Industry field for 25 years. My first 10 years in were in industrial coatings, while the second 10 years in cosmetics, toiletries and household items, and the last 5 years in food, and aroma chemicals. I started out as a lab chemist, moved into technical service, then sales and marketing, business development, sales management and finally general management.
I never thought of starting a business at all throughout my 25 years of corporate career. It was the last few years that I got a bit disillusioned with the number-driven corporate culture and politics. I quit, never wanting to be in corporate anymore.
I took a year sabbatical to decide what to do with the rest of my life. It was during that time, while during some reflection that I became aware of the fact that I recovered from a bout of dangerous dengue fever quickly in 2006 because I had adopted a healthy lifestyle from early days in my career.
I realized that there was a need in this market for people to be aware of taking care of their health while working so hard. So, I resolved to help other corporate people achieve that. That is where my company was born.
My husband is the key person who had supported me to quit my job. He has been very encouraging and supportive throughout the journey.
Entrepreneurial Advice
Go for it! You only live once. Follow your dream and make it happen. Do your homework but do not be paralyzed with analysis. But, of course, it is prudent that you get your finances in order as well.
My business is not at the level I dreamed it to be yet. I never entertain any thoughts of giving up because I know I will never go back to working for a company in corporate. This is clear to me. I have burnt my boat. So, it is forward or die! Of course, building a business from scratch is tough, but it is worth every late and sleepless night agonizing over how to solve the myriads of problems.
To my fellow professionals, keep pace to prevent burn out. If it really does not work out, it is ok to go back to doing a job first. Try another time when the condition is right. There are no fixed rules in entrepreneurship.
The biggest frustration and challenge is trying to do everything all at the same time, at the lowest possible cost. The tendency is to not spend too much on what is needed to support the business and yet expecting a big result.
The wellness industry is a very broadly based one. There is no one particular thing that needs to be fixed. Because of the broad base, it allows for many possibilities.
Place Value Where Value Belongs
The biggest lesson I have learnt in life is to add value to people without expecting any return. It is just a good way to live. I learned this from two books “ The Go Giver” and “ The Go Giver Sell More” by Bob Burg. It has opened me up to a new way of interacting with people, not just clients or customers. By doing that, I have started to feel the return coming.
Adding value is the fundamental way of how human relationship, at all levels, should work. It is basically who we are as human beings.
Second Chances
If you could do it all again – what would you do differently?
If I were to do it again, I could be bolder in moving forward. Be more open to learning from other experts faster and implement faster.
My advice is to move on and learn from mistakes. They are there for a reason; so that we can grow!
Su Lee Chong’s One Line
“Don’t make a living. Live the life you want!”
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