Influencer To Follow: Karen French
Contributed by
Karen French
June 1, 2016
If your passion were flowers, or something else not directly linked to business, how would you market yourself?
Karen French has become a social media expert while working to increase her engagement online. She’s invited to events to speak on the topic because not many floral designers make such great social presence!
Ten years ago, Karen fell in love with floral design and styling and has since travelled the globe learning from the world’s best. She’s had her designs worn by models and walked down runways, and set up in some of Singapore’s hottest spots. Not only has Karen been around the world, so has her expertise, as she’s been featured in traditional and online media in New York, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, and Singapore.
When asked about her favourite feature she said, “My favourites are the ones where I’m able to share and incorporate elements that appeal to at least two of the human senses. Visuals of beautiful floral arrangements always liven up a media piece together with educational or inspirational content.”
From Little-Known To Internationally Acknowledged
So, what does it feel like to grow a small business from little to internationally known? To have a vision, and build it in front of yourself to then have it cast in front of thousands of eyes? Karen remains humble saying, “It’s not so much about the hundreds or thousands of extra eyes and how I feel, but about the buzz when I find out I’ve made a difference. To find out I’ve inspired someone, whether it’s in the form of one of my designs giving someone creative inspiration or giving them the courage and confidence to follow their own passion.”
Karen doesn’t do her work for the numbers; she does it to move people and it’s evident in her work and effort. Her love and passion is about building floral design that takes your breath away, or livens up a space. One that adds a little more oomph, or a homey feeling you can relax into.
Secret Sauce To Karen’s Influence
Karen continues by generously sharing some of her tactics behind getting seen and talked about:
“Being active and visible are pretty crucial to being found in the first place. A good website, which is easy to navigate and easily viewed across devices is a must. I’d say the internet and the simplicity of being able to share has played a significant role in my own success and why others are sharing my story.
It’s not enough to be active and visible; you must also be credible. One of the biggest game changers for me was when I published my first flower book.
I’ve always made a big effort to embrace social media and have just started posting really short videos on Instagram. In the floral world, a picture can say a thousand words. I try to keep a balance between an online and an offline presence by attending networking events, getting involved in world-class floral events and holding floral demos and workshops. These activities peak a lot of interest from editors, writers, bloggers and the media who are often looking for interesting content and people to write about.”
Since she’s been making the most of social media and other publication formats, Karen has seen a significant increase in both her social media engagement and in the type of clients she’s attracting.
“I’m delighted because each day through our consistent messages, articles, the media and features we’re being rewarded with a new and better clientele. Those who appreciate quality, our creative style and, above all, value what we do. By attracting more of our target market we’re now able to work on really creative projects and, in turn, add value for our clients.”
A dream come true for entrepreneurs – to reach that place where you’re working with your ideal clients and adding value to their lives and businesses alike!
For The Entrepreneur Looking To Raise Their Influence
And if she had to give one tip to someone who’s looking to share a bit of the limelight, Karen would say with a smile, “Be prepared to give, to share, be flexible and efficient.”
If you’d like to have Karen at one of your events, invite her to speak, or spruce up your space (business or home), get in touch with her.
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Written by Amber Valencia
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image Credit: Karen French's portfolio
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