June Events At Woolf Works – June 13, 16
Contributed by
Michaela Anchan
May 13, 2015
June 13th – Shut Up and Write
Hello late-night writers!
Hello full time corporates with a writing passion on the side!
Hello mums with too many kids under foot during the week!
Hello lonely writer, are the walls caving in on you?
Introducing Shut Up and Write, at Woolf Works.
A time and a space for women writers to come together on a Saturday and write. To use the sound of other fingers tapping on laptops to fuel your own fingers, to carve out a set time in the week to just DO IT. To Write.
No set topics, no peer reviews.
A beautiful space, with great coffee and tea on free flow.
A spot in your schedule that is for YOU to do that blog post, short story, memoir, article, essay that you have been planning.
To meet other women who share your passion.
Shut Up and Write will begin as a monthly event, moving into twice monthly for the second half of the year.
Event Details:
Date: June 13th 2015, 10am – 4pm
Venue: Woolf Works, #02-01, 176 Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore
Fee: $25/person
Contact Person: Arlene Lagman
Contact Person Email: [email protected]
Register Here
June 16th – Self-care With Essential Oils For The Busy Women
Join us for a fun hands on class where you will experience the benefits of pure essential oils and get quick tips how to:
- Enjoy more physical and mental energy
- Balance your mind and emotions
- Live a healthier and stress free life
About the speaker:
Claudia Hofmaier is the founder of Essential Healing a company offering holistic health therapies. She has been teaching about the health benefits of essential oils since 2010 and has helped 100’s of women to live a happier and healthier life. Her mission is to educate everybody about the benefits and usage of Young Living essential oils and encourage them to incorporate them into their daily life.
Event Details:
Date: June 16th 2015
Venue: Woolf Works, #02-01, 176 Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore
Fee: $15
Contact Person: Arlene Lagman
Contact Person Email: [email protected]
Register Here
June 16th 2015 – Saturday Kids: Intermediate Scratch Programming
By the end of this course, your kid will be able to create more interactivity into their projects, animations, and level up their games with multiple levels, timers, and health counters.
Course Description
- It isn’t every day that kids can learn to shape the future.
- Saturday Kids offers an introductory programming class in Scratch, a visual programming language for kids, developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.
- In these classes, we get children excited about the wonders of coding. Kids learn to code by creating interactive stories, games, and other projects in Scratch.
- With its modular framework, Scratch makes it easy for kids to have fun while developing important problem-solving skills. Scratch teaches kids to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.
- Scratch was designed for 7-16 year olds but is used by people of all ages.
Event Details:
Date: June 16th 2015
Venue: Woolf Works, #02-01, 176 Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore
Fee: $240 per child
Contact Person: Arlene Lagman
Contact Person Email: [email protected]
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