Love Your Body and It Will Love You Back
Contributed by
Liza Rowan
June 13, 2015
Are you tired of jumping on and off the dieting or health-kick treadmill? It can be exhausting (I know, I did it for years) – full of enthusiasm one minute, to throwing in the towel the next.
Let me share how we can turn the manic pursuit into a healthy steady-paced jog, so to speak. We must learn to understand our body, and to appreciate it – for all it has done, and for all we want it to do, while we’re lucky enough to be on this planet. If we are driven to really take care of our mind and body, the rest comes easy, or at least, easier.
Here are what I believe to be the 5 things we need to do so that we are always our healthiest, happiest best.
1. LOVE..
..and appreciate our body (and mind). We get only one, we expect a lot from it, and so we should never take it for granted. There are many tools available to help us improve body confidence – for example, enjoying sports contributes tremendously towards better body image.
Once we learn to appreciate our body, we are more likely to take action to fuel it with good nutritious food. By filling our life with good things, we crowd out the bad stuff – stock our fridges with wholesome fresh produce, and we are more likely to make quick healthy meals. If we don’t have junk food lying about around the house, we can’t eat it, at least when at home.
Learn the basics, and know the facts. There are so many facts and fads out there, a lot of conflicting information and latest diet trends to follow. By understanding the basics of nutrition, for example why our body needs each of the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats), then we are in a better position to make good food choices. Over 2,500 additives are allowed in our food – not all are harmful, but many are chemicals and known carcinogens. Surely we owe it to ourselves, and our loved ones, to understand the good from the bad, so we can avoid the latter.
With the acquired knowledge, we need to practice some skills so that they become good habits. This of course takes a little energy and time, but all worth the investment towards good health. We can learn to shop, stock and cook more efficiently - how to make better choices when travelling and dining out. Keeping a Food Journal and Goal Setting are great tools in helping us learn many skills, and acquire better habits.
Enjoy the journey and embrace the challenges. If we are to successfully strive to improve any aspect of our life, then it's important to be mindful, and to keep things in balance. Our aspirations may not be in line with those of other people, so let's be empathetic as we pursue our goals.
Let’s resolve and make a long-term commitment to take, and keep control of our Health & Vitality – this in turn enables us to follow our passions and fulfill our dreams. As we ‘wake up’ to the fact that our body and mind are both unique and amazing, we will want to look after ourselves continuously in a positive way, without the start-stop motion we normally apply. Let’s enjoy the journey…and reach our destination, while giving our body the, love, respect and appreciation it deserves.
To find out more about Liza's business, visit the Health & Vitality page.
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