Mindset: Shifting Your Thinking From Challenge To Choice
Contributed by
Kim Underhill
March 12, 2017

Mindset refers to our mental choice and readiness. We often go through life without thinking about what our mindset is, and I doubt it is even discussed at social gatherings. Do you have any idea what mindset you have?
In a book published by Dr Carol Dweck from Stanford University, she explained that it can be categorised as such: Fixed mindset and growth mindset. In some ways, this is similar to the ‘stubborn person versus people pleaser’ opinion, especially the part regarding fixed mindset.
Those With A Fixed Mindset Tend To Avoid Challenges
In “A New Psychology Of Success”, Carol described a fixed mindset as someone who tends to avoid challenges, gives up easily, ignores useful feedback, feels threatened by the success of others – just to name a few.
With a one-track mind, people with a fixed mindset can be stubborn in their way of seeing or doing things. With the tendency to constantly watch over their own shoulder, they are guarded at all times and somewhat insecure about themselves, hence displaying the need to defend their familiar environment.
It is easy to spot someone with a fixed mindset. You will often hear from them statements like “That is the way I am”, “Please do not try to change me”, “I will learn it my way at my own path”, and “Decision is made, just do it”.
To Achieve Success, One Needs To Have A Growth Mindset
On the other hand, a person with a growth mindset embraces challenges, persists when faced with setbacks, learns from criticism, and often finds inspiration from other’s successes.
To achieve success, we need to have a growth mindset – and perceive everything with an open mind. This makes us a better person by consciously letting people around us express their thoughts, allowing a situation to run its course, before forming our opinions. With good patience and active listening skills, it is about making an analysis before forming judgment, which eventually determines your forward action.
Dedicating The First 90 Days To Understanding Something New
Whenever I take on a new role, the first 90 days is always dedicated towards understanding the organizational structures (which were rather straightforward) and its people (who were always more complex).
To put it simply, what truly makes a company are its people and their individual mindsets. Right from the receptionist you meet at the office lobby to the CEO seated at the top floor corner office, it all boils down to the organizational culture derived from the company’s people and mindsets.
Three Steps To A Positive Mindset
To prepare ourselves for a positive mindset, we should start by being CONSCIOUS of our daily behaviour. Right from the minute we wake up, we should be consciously reminded of how we can positively react to every situation. Even in the most difficult situation, we should ensure that the impact of our action is positive as well.
Next, we need to CONDITION ourselves to always check our body language, intended choice of words, and tone of voice used when communicating to the people around us. 10-minute daily meditation breaks always help. With deep breathing, it is a great way to calm our mind, body, and soul.
Lastly, we should always be COMMITTED to think positive first, regardless of how bad any situation seems. If we constantly start with a negative mindset, everything becomes a challenge. If we cultivate a positive mindset, we get to decide if the situation is a CHALLENGE or CHOICE.
Visit the Ultimate Balance Consultancy page here to find out more about Kim’s work.
This post was first published on Kim Underhill Linkedin and has been reposted on Connected Women with the permission of the author.
Edited by Michelle Sarthou
Image credit: Shutterstock
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